Our foundation – Corporate social responsibility

Over the past few years, we have systematically integrated corporate social responsibility into our organisation. To achieve this, we have analysed long-term opportunities and risks in our areas of business and recorded trends. We have created transparent responsibilities and speeded up decision-making channels. We have also a set up a clear code of conduct for the UNIQA Group.

We approach investment in a responsible manner and have pledged our commitment to the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance. The Code forms the regulatory framework for the management and supervision of publicly listed enterprises and aims to foster sustainable, long-term value creation. Our corporate governance activities are evaluated each year by external experts and the findings are published on the Group’s website.

The UNIQA Code of Conduct has been in force since January 2013. It governs conduct at all levels – just as much between employees as between UNIQA and its customers and business partners. The UNIQA Code of Conduct has been in force since January 2013. It governs conduct at all levels – just as much between employees as between UNIQA and its customers and business partners. It also covers gifts and donations, secondary occupations, non-discrimination and the protection of customer privacy. In the last year, approximately 50 managers and specialists completed compliance training to ensure that the requirements are integrated into day-to-day work. In 2014, we began to include the foreign subsidiaries; supported by special training sessions for employees in these subsidiaries. From 2015, e-learning training sessions will be offered in Austria, and new employees will receive personal instruction.

© UNIQA Group 2015