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With a new programme to further reduce costs and continually improve profit, as well as the preferred partnership with Raiffeisen, UNIQA has laid the foundation for a continuation of its successful internationalisation strategy.
In the friendly global economic environment, we were able to make some sound decisions in 2006, to further secure our future as an independent player on the insurance markets of Central and Eastern Europe the future of an insurance group that is active in 16 countries with a premium volume of over € 5 billion, |
Our strategy of internationalisation is focussed on profitable growth, securing our future as an independent insurance group in Europe. Konstantin Klien |
that manages investments of over € 21 billion, and has a market capitalisation of € 3 billion.
The solid foundation of our far-reaching decisions remained our long-term corporate strategy a strategy that strengthens our market position in Austria, diversifies the risks of our portfolio through consequential internationalisation and, at the same time; makes use of the enormous growth opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe to promote strong Group expansion with increasing profitability.
Streamlining to counteract the biting winds of competitionSize alone is no guarantee of survival in the future. We must
continuously increase our efficiency in all areas, in an on-going
company-wide optimisation process. We must continuously
improve our customer service and sales impact, lower costs
and increase income. We must work hard and without pause
to become even more efficient and competitive. The slogan is:
more efficiency.
In global competition, enterprises that are lean and healthy will
do the best. More efficiency also results in a sustainable increase
in income and financial power. For us, a central element for
safeguarding our independence is being able to independently
earn the funds we need to finance our strategic investments
for the future. Ambitious profit improvement programme (PIP)
With our profit improvement programme
we will reduce the costs
of sales and administration, increase
the efficiency of processes
and make lasting improvements to
the income situation by 2010.
Karl Unger |
After successfully completing two programmes to increase profits,
UNIQA has decided on a third profit improvement programme
for the years 20072010. In the process, we will intensify some
structures and tasks, do without some activities and bundle
certain occupations in international Group companies by outsourcing
In the course of this programme, which is based on numerous
measures and action plans, we want to further reduce both costs
and loss ratios, and lastingly secure the (pre-tax) return on equity
of our Group at a level of 20%. From the total savings potential
of € 280 million, we intend to reinvest € 80 million in Austria
and internationally in expanding sales, in infrastructure and increasing
the awareness of our brand. Because of the profit improvement
programme, our annual pre-tax result should climb
steadily until 2010, from € 200 million to € 430 million.
Profit improvement programme 20072010
Pre-tax result in € million |
Responsible for:
private customer business, IT,
company organisation, customer
service, Group actuarial control
and risk management
Country responsibility:
Slovakia, Hungary, LiechtensteinKarl Unger joined Volksfürsorge Versicherung
as an actuary in 1979. Later
he transferred to Nordstern Versicherung,
where he was appointed to
the Management Board in 1994
and took over the life insurance
department. In 1999, Karl Unger
took on responsibility for Central
Europe within the AXA Group. In
2001, he transferred to UNIQA as
head of the administrative department
for corporate planning, and
joined the Management Board of
UNIQA Versicherungen AG in 2002. |
Karl Unger (* 1953)
Member of the Management Board
Financing of further expansion secured
With funds we have earned on our own, the issuance of a supplementary
capital bond for € 250 million and the planned
increase of the funding framework at the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, we are well prepared for further
profitable expansion in Austria and internationally.
The structure of our insurance business will change noticeably
with the internationalisation of the company portfolio. At the
moment, the Austrian market dominates the Group premium revenue,
with about a two-thirds share. By the year 2010, however,
international business should already be contributing well over
40% to the Group premium volume and to the Group results.
Playing out the advantages of being Austrias top brand
In the mature markets of Western
Europe we operate successfully in
profitable market niches, winning
over demanding clients with exclusive
product solutions.
Gottfried Wanitschek |
We also owe this success to the differentiated expansion strategy
of concentric circles in our target markets. Our Austrian
strategy centres on solidifying our position as market leader in
personal injury insurance and as one of the largest property insurers,
and focussing on qualitative growth. In so doing, we play
out the competitive advantages UNIQA has as the best-known
insurance brand with excellent customer service and a powerful
sales department with an innovative product portfolio in all
sales channels. This is winning over more and more total customers
and continuously strengthening the profitability of the
business in Austria.
Responsible for:
asset management (front
office), equity holdings, property
management, legal affairs,
general administration and
internal audit
Country responsibility:
Czech Republic
Dr Wanitschek started working in the insurance business back in the
eighties and was first head of the legal office and later, secretary
general of Raiffeisen Versicherung AG. From 1991 until he was appointed
to the Management Board of UNIQA Versicherungen AG, he was director
of Beteiligungsholding Leipnik-Lundenburger Industrie AG, managing director
of Kurier GmbH, member of the management at Mediaprint and director
of Zeitschriften-Verlagsbeteiligungs- AG. |
Dr Gottfried Wanitschek
(* 1955)
Member of the Management Board |
Niche strategy for Western Europe is paying off
In our Western European markets in Italy, Germany, Switzerland
and Liechtenstein, we operate with niche and specialty products
for private customers and medium-sized companies. In Germany,
Mannheimer Versicherung is on a successful path as an established
brand name company and supplier of brand programmes,
above all in the high-growth area of southern Germany.
The close cooperation between the three Group companies
in Italy after the acquisition of Claris Vita led to a jump in premiums,
in particular due to the bank sales made through Veneto
Banca. In Switzerland and Liechtenstein, we score points with
an exclusive target group business. On a course of expansion as composite insurer in Eastern Europe
The symbiotic partnership with
the Raiffeisen bank group is a
advantage for our drive
into the growth markets in Eastern
and South-Eastern Europe.
Andreas Brandstetter |
In the countries on both sides of the Eastern border of the
European Union, we are positioned as a composite insurer and,
in cooperation with the Raiffeisen bank group, are relying more
strongly on bank assurance in order to make the most of the
enormous potential in the retail market business. In the process,
we are aspiring to achieve a unified market presence of
the UNIQA brand and a market share of 5 to 7% in property
insurance and from 3 to 5% in life insurance.
In the established Eastern European markets such as Poland, the
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Croatia, we are accelerating
our growth rate with dynamisation projects using our
own funds. With the expansion of sales structures and fortified
organic growth, we want to attain the targeted market shares
quickly but without any further company acquisitions. We are
placing particular importance on profitable and sustainable
growth in all sales channels.
Responsible for:
new markets and mergers &
Country responsibility:
Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine,
Serbia, ItalyDr Brandstetter joined the
Group in 1997 and was responsible
for the restructuring of
UNIQA Versicherungen AG in
1999; he was appointed to the
Management Board in 2002.
Before that, he was head of the
EU office of the Austrian
Raiffeisenverband in Brussels. |
Andreas Brandstetter
(* 1969)
Member of the Management Board |
EBRD as an important partner
The EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development) is an important partner for further expansion
in UNIQAs focus markets. The bank was founded
in 1991 with the goal of supporting Eastern European
countries in their progression towards a market economy
with private corporate activities. The EBRD subsidises
structural and sector-specific reforms such as competition,
privatisation and entrepreneurship. Through its financing it helps secure co-financing and direct foreign
investment, as well as mobilising domestic capital.
Investments are mainly made in private companies,
usually together with business partners. In addition, the
bank provides technical cooperation in relevant areas
and cooperates with international financial institutions
and international and national organisations. The EBRD
and UNIQA have had business relations since 1998.
Development of Group premium volume written
incl. the savings portion of premiums from the
unit-linked and index-linked life insurance
in € million |
For several years, the European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD) has been supporting us in taking optimum
advantage of the business potential in the Eastern and South-
Eastern European countries. The EBRD has already invested minority
stakes in the UNIQA companies in Croatia, Hungary, the
Czech Republic and Poland.
Preferred partnership as growth driver
Share of international business
in % |
The successful cooperation with the Raiffeisen bank group in
the countries of Eastern and South-eastern Europe is a strategic
advantage for our commitment in the New Eastern Emerging
Markets and a central building block for our launch in Serbia
and the Ukraine. This cooperation, which in the meantime spans
eleven of fifteen international markets, has given us access to
10 million customers: this is a very promising area of future potential
for tailored insurance solutions, above all in the area of
old-age provision.
Go east remains in focus
We will do without expensive company
acquisitions abroad for a time
and speed up our growth through
targeted dynamisation projects that
strengthen sales structures in the
new EU member states.
Hannes Bogner |
During our further internationalisation, we will continue to keep
our eyes on Russia, Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo, because of
the enormous growth opportunities they offer. If the screening
of these target markets is positive, we will stake our claims there
as well.
All in all, we have every reason to continue our decisive company
strategy of yield-orientated growth and consistent internationalisation.
We are headed in the right direction. We can look to
the future with confidence.
Responsible for:
group accounting, planning
and controlling, asset management
(back office) and
Country responsibility:
Poland, Croatia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, GermanyHannes Bogner joined the Group
in 1994, and was appointed to
the managing board in 1998.
Before that, he worked at THS
Treuhand Wirtschaftsprüfung
sgesellschaft in Salzburg and
at PricewaterhouseCoopers in
Vienna. Mr Bogner became a
tax consultant in 1988 and a
chartered accountant in 1993. |
Hannes Bogner (* 1959)
Member of the Management Board |
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