
06 January 125 10:46 





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Path: HomeGroup Financial StatementsCash Flow Statement

Cash Flow Statement

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement from 1 January to 31 December 2008

€ 000
€ 000
Net profit including minority interests
Net profit 66,748 268,993
of which interest and dividend payments 37,602 3,378
Minority interests –13,440 –21,889
Change in technical provisions (net) 188,581 494,741
Change in deferred acquisition costs 1,459 –10,032
Change in amounts receivable and payable from direct insurance –26,021 58,399
Change in other amounts receivable and payable –156,183 –61,491
Change in securities at fair value through profit or loss 293,276 97,082
Realised gains/losses on the disposal of investments –446,831 –144,154
Depreciation/appreciation of other investments 522,715 185,077
Change in provisions for pension and severance payments –73,063 –32,878
Change in deferred tax assets/liabilities –80,115 37,881
Change in other balance sheet items 60,063 465
Change in goodwill and intangible assets –1,778 –32,078
Other non-cash income and expenses as well as accounting period adjustments –68,448 6,067
Net cash flow from operating activities 266,962 846,183
of which cash flow from income tax –43,177 –45,599
Receipts due to disposal of consolidated companies and other business units 449,309 207,869
Payments due to acquisition of consolidated companies and other business units –928,619 –53,403
Receipts due to disposal and maturity of other investments 9,854,721 12,125,000
Payments due to acquisition of other investments –9,687,349 –12,272,398
Change in investments held on account and at risk of life insurance policyholders –172,123 –517,443
Net cash flow used in investing activities –484,061 –510,375
Change in investments on own shares 184,375 0
Change in holding of own shares –8,296 0
Dividend payments –59,714 –41,800
Receipts and payments from other financing activities 8,698 92,375
Net cash flow used in financing activities 125,063 50,575
Change in cash and cash equivalents –92,036 386,384
Change in cash and cash equivalents due to foreign currency translation –215 –2,666
Change in cash and cash equivalents due to acquisition/disposal of consolidated companies 12,971 252
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 647,133 263,164
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 567,853 647,133
of which cash flow from income tax –43,177 –45,599

The cash and cash equivalents correspond to item L. of the assets: Liquid funds.