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| Path: Home Group Financial Statements Notes Other disclosures |
| | Other disclosuresEarnings of the Management Board and Supervisory BoardMembers of the Management Board receive remunerations exclusively
from UNIQA Versicherungen AG.
The expenses for remuneration of Management Board
members attributable to the reporting year amounted
to: |
Regular payments |
2,236 |
1,902 |
Performance-related remunerations |
1,815 |
1,540 |
Total |
4,051 |
3,442 |
of which charged to operational subsidiaries: |
3,848 |
3,270 |
Former members of the Management Board and their
surviving dependants were paid: |
2,665 |
2,574 |
Because of pension commitments to these persons, the
following provision was set up on 31 December |
21,054 |
24,796 |
The remuneration to members of the Supervisory Board amounted to:
For the current financial year (provision) |
410 |
410 |
Meeting attendance fee |
41 |
39 |
Total |
451 |
449 |
Former members of the Supervisory Board did not receive any remuneration.
The information according to Section 239 paragraph 1 of the Austrian
Business Code in connection with 80b of the Insurance Supervisory Act,
which must be included in the appendix as mandatory information for financial
statements according to IFRS, releasing the company from the requirement
to prepare financial statements in accordance with the Austrian
Commercial Code, are defined for the individual financial statements according
to the provisions of the Austrian Business Code, with expanded
scope. In addition to the executive functions (Management Board) of
UNIQA Versicherungen AG, the individual financial statements also include
the earnings of the Management Boards of the subsidiaries, insofar as there
exists a legally binding basis with UNIQA Versicherungen AG.
Principles for profit participation by the Management BoardA variable income component was made available to the members of
the Management Board for the 2007 financial year, in the form of bonus
agreements, and provided as a one-time payment based on the earnings
situation in 2007. The basis for determining the size of the bonus is the
return on equity based on the 2007 IFRS consolidated financial statements,
of UNIQA Versicherungen AG.
Principles for the pension scheme provided in the company
for the Management Board and its requirements
Retirement pensions, a pension for occupational invalidity as well as a
and orphans pension have been established. The retirement pension
is due upon meeting the requirements for the old-age pension according
to the General Social Security Act. The pension amount is calculated
from a percentage of a contractually established assessment basis. In the
event of early pension eligibility according to the transitional provisions
included in the General Social Security Act, the pension claim is reduced.
For the occupational invalidity pension and the pension for surviving dependants,
flat rates are provided as the minimum pension.
Principles for vested rights and claims of the Management
Board of the company in the event of termination of their
Severance payments have been agreed upon based partially on the provisions
of the Salaried Employee Act. The benefits are fundamentally retained
in the event of termination of membership of the Management
Board; however, a reduction rule based on the remaining time until meeting
the claim requirements for the old-age pension according to the General
Social Security Act applies. Supervisory Board remuneration schemeRemunerations to the Supervisory Board are passed at the Annual General
Meeting as a total amount for the work in the past financial year. The remuneration
amount applicable to the individual Supervisory Board members
is based on the position within the Supervisory Board and the number of
committee positions. Approval for publicationThese Group consolidated financial statements were compiled by
the Management Board as of the date of signing and approved
for publication.
Konstantin Klien
Chairman of the
Management Board
Hannes Bogner
Member of the
Management Board
Andreas Brandstetter
Member of the
Management Board
Karl Unger
Member of the
Management Board
Gottfried Wanitschek
Member of the
Management Board
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© 2007 by UNIQA Versicherungen AG | | | |