From left to right: Thomas Münkel, Wolfgang Kindl, Andreas Brandstetter, Kurt Svoboda, Hannes Bogner
Andreas Brandstetter
Chairman of the Management Board / CEO / b. 1969
With UNIQA since 1997. Previously, he worked for Raiffeisen Group in Austria and Brussels. He was appointed to the Management Board in 2002 and has driven the development of the CEE network. He took over as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on 1 July 2011.
Responsible for: Investor Relations, Group Communication, Group Marketing, Group Human Resources, Group Internal Audit, and the Group General Secretary function
Hannes Bogner
Member of the Management Board / CIO / b. 1959
With UNIQA since 1994. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) from 1998 to 2014. Since 1 January 2015, he has been Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of the UNIQA Group. Previously, he worked as an Austrian Certified Public Accountant and Tax Advisor (beeideter Wirtschaftsprüfer und Steuerberater).
Responsible for: Group Asset Management, Legal & Compliance, Group Internal Audit
Wolfgang Kindl
Member of the Management Board / UNIQA International / b. 1966
With UNIQA since 1996 and in the international business since 1997. He was the CEO of UNIQA Assurances in Geneva from 2000 to 2004. In 2005, he took over as CEO of UNIQA International AG. He was appointed to the Management Board of UNIQA Insurance Group AG on 1 July 2011.
Responsible for: UNIQA International
Thomas Münkel
Member of the Management Board / COO / b. 1959
Appointed as Chief Operating Officer (COO) on 1 January 2013. Previously, he held various management positions in an international insurance group over a period of 20 years.
Responsible for: Group Operations, Group IT, Group Project Office
Kurt Svoboda
Member of the Management Board / CFO/CRO / b. 1967
With UNIQA since 2003. Initially, he was a managing director in the UNIQA Capital Markets GmbH. He was appointed to the Management Board as Chief Risk Officer (CRO) on 1 July 2011. On 1 January 2015, he also assumed responsibility for the role of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the UNIQA Group. Prior to 2003, he worked for international insurance companies and for an auditing firm.
Responsible for: Group Finance-Accounting, Group Finance-Controlling, Group Actuarial and Risk Management, Group Reinsurance, Regulatory Affairs