Quality, flexibility and mobilityWe promote quality, flexibility and mobility in our staff and
partners through constant initial and further training
measures, in order to realise our ambitious company goals.
The Group strategy of consistent internationalisation and constant
improvement of profits demands human resources that
satisfy the high demands with regard to professional quality,
flexibility and mobility. Use of the right employees, at the right
place and at the right time, is a central task of operational human
resources management and the targeted personnel development
Go Ahead takes us forwardWe founded the mobility programme Go Ahead in 2003, to
promote the rapid expansion of international business, and
it with new elements for improved efficiency. This
supports temporary assignments by Austrian
at international Group companies as well as bringing
our foreign colleagues to Austria or giving them assignments
in other countries.
212 participants from 15 countries.
The exchange of company-internal know-how and networking that takes place as a result of this programme has received positive evaluations by the 212 participants from 15 countries. In addition, participation in the Go Ahead programme is considered a distinction and variable preparation for ones further career within our Group. Short-term programme enjoys popularityIn 2007, the programme was expanded with Go Ahead Light
Mentoring for short-term stays abroad, making it much more
attractive to many employees with families.
Of the 88 new participants who took part in the mobility programme
in 2007, 31 employees decided on the version Go
Ahead Light with reduced stays abroad, and 38 decided on an
assignment within the framework of Go Ahead Mentoring.
Preference for assignments to AustriaIn 2007, 51 employees from the subsidiaries accepted assignments
in Austria, while 37 colleagues from Austria were able to
gain experience at a Group subsidiary abroad. Personnel expenditures compiled in UHRSOperational Human Resources Management and Personnel
Development were merged in 2007, into UNIQA Human
Resources-Service GmbH (UHRS). The goal of this company is
to better coordinate complex work procedures.
For basic training within Raiffeisen Versicherung, eLearning as
well as tests and certifications were implemented in 2007, on
the Raiffeisen Academy platform. The institutionalised employee
meetings for all in-house staff were held once again, including
agreement on the required development steps. For managers in
new positions, structured development plans were coordinated
with the individual needs of the managers for the first time in
2007. A separate employee meeting was also introduced for
the field service.
Innovative personnel recruiting of high-potential employeesWe build up qualified employees for expert positions and
jobs in the international subsidiaries with the
Potential Recruiting Project. The realisation of the
innovative training programme started at UNIQA Slovakia and
UNIQA Poland and is being continued in Hungary and Italy.
UNIQA Human Resources employees worked with local managers
and HR directors to select university graduates for a one-year
trainee programme. Subsequently, they were prepared for
management tasks within the Group over the course of
six months in Austria.
Roughly 140 UNIQA managers from all countries of Central and
Eastern Europe were informed about the current Group strategy
and plans of the company in two ManagerCircle events in Vienna
and Dubrovnik during 2007.
 UNIQA managers from all countries assembled in Dubrovnik and Vienna for the
ManagerCircle 2007. Saša Krbavac organised the successful event in Croatia, in
which more than 140 employees participated. Chairman of the Management
Board Konstantin Klien was also one of the speakers. |
International apprenticeshipsThe pilot project International Apprenticeships in the UNIQA
Group was started in 2006. The two-year insurance apprenticeship
is combined with a five-month internship abroad
and is intended to promote willingness for mobility, and also
the opportunity to build networks during the apprenticeship
extending far beyond the normal work environment. Starting
in autumn 2008, the programme will be expanded throughout
all of Austria with an apprenticeship training programme
ExclusiveSales in which apprentices will gather their first sales
experiences in addition to technical knowledge.
The current strategy for ExclusiveSales was the focus of a motivational
event at management level in 2007. The five key topics
of total customers, sales expansion, sales not administration,
standard & more and providing for the future now were explained
in lectures and discussions. ExclusiveSales has achieved
a new milestone with the QualityPartnership in regard to the
total customer strategy: over 370,000 customers make use of
the advantageous services of the unique insurance package. Training of customer advisorsIn 2007, the basic training based, in part, on a new foundation,
was started by 262 customer advisors. The training is now more
strongly oriented around the life-tree model Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow.
Special importance is placed on conveying technical- and sales-related
know-how in the coordinated training modules.
The management and advising staff in ExclusiveSales had the opportunity
to choose from a broad selection of seminars in 2007,
within the framework of the Managers Development Forum
(FEF). The training units were constantly focused on practical
applications using the new and existing instruments and tools
for supporting the five key sales aspects.
The comprehensive and ambitious seminar programme for professional
and personal advancement of our partners in broker
sales has set new standards in terms of quality and innovation.
Our BrokerService is the largest partner to brokers in Austria,
and frequently took on a trailblazing role in the development
of industry standards.
GeneralAgency Academy receives new orientationThe GeneralAgency Academy was given a new content
as the central initial and further training institution
for our independent sales partners. Expanding on the basic
training in which new GeneralAgents and PartnerAgents are
taught about the most important UNIQA future provisions and
risk solutions based on the total customer strategy, the further
training courses also offer interested persons training and knowhow
in the areas of Entrepreneurs & Managers, Product &
Argumentation, Sales & Pros and Work & Technology.
Seminars specially designed for the work of back office employees
of the GeneralAgency round off the wide range of initial and
further training opportunities.
Ten years of Broker AcademyA central element of our success among freelance brokers is the
Broker Academy (MAK), which celebrated its tenth anniversary
in 2007. More then 2,000 participants have taken part in Broker
Academy events and seminars during this time. In 2007, the
Broker Academy presented a best-of programme, consisting of
the most frequently booked seminars of past years. The seminar
brochure, with topics from business, finance and stock markets
all the way to personal fitness and mental training courses, was
sent to 4,000 brokers and met with great acceptance.
The trips abroad organised within the scope of MAK International
in 2007, brought a total of 123 of our business partners, including
from Poland and the Czech Republic, to the booming country
of South Africa. In May 2008, a fact-finding tour through the
Russian metropolises of Moscow and St. Petersburg was on the
In addition to the attractive seminar offerings of the Broker
Academy, UNIQA made insurance products of the new rate
line BrokerSelect available to partners in broker sales for the
first time. These products are characterised by an attractive
price-benefit ratio, transparency and simple handling within
sales. Under the umbrella brand BrokerSelect, there are now
rates for automotive, household, legal expenses and accident
lines. Multi-contract customers of UNIQA whose contracts are
collected together within a TopConto can lay claim to a special
Cooperation in bank sales intensified and expandedAs part of the establishment and expansion of bank sales in
2007, the cooperation between UNIQA and the Raiffeisen banking
group was further intensified in Central and Eastern Europe.
Within the framework of the Preferred Partnership with Raiffeisen,
the cooperation already underway in Poland, the Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and the Ukraine, has now been expanded
to markets in Albania and Kosovo.
In the 13 markets in which this strategic partnership with
Raiffeisen has now been established, we focus on offering combined
banking and insurance products, on preparations for a
staged introduction of capital-forming life-insurance products
as well as on developing synergies through shared utilisation
of sales channels. In addition, the cooperation with the Veneto
Banca group in Italy, primarily in the area of life insurance, has
produced considerable results. Raiffeisen Versicherung is the
competence centre here for the entire area of bank sales within
the UNIQA Group. The 'Pink Ribbon' campaign
As the largest health insurer in Austria, we support the Pink Ribbon campaign to raise awareness of
the dangers and prevention options of breast cancer. Like many other buildings, monuments and sights
throughout the world, the UNIQA Tower was blanketed in pink light on 1 October. |
Friendliest service in 2007In a survey of freelance brokers by the industry
risControl, UNIQA held top position in the
category of Service-friendliest insurance company
in 2007. The evaluation encompassed the behaviour
of the company in direct business transactions, from
the application to the issuing of the policy, in claims
as well as in service, advising, information
and communication. The jump to the top is the result of
the massive efforts of UNIQA to take a posture of partnership
toward freelance brokers in all areas, to take
their needs into account and to secure an advantage
over the competition by satisfying these partners with
our service, information and availability. This success
is, for us, a motivation to further improve the service
quality in broker sales as well as in the international
Group companies. A key strategy on this path is regionalisation.
Decentralisation projects that intentionally
build upon the strengths of the respective regions are
already underway. Initial successes have already been
enjoyed, particularly in Hungary, the Czech Republic
and Slovakia.Occupational old-age provisions emphasisedAs a full-service provider, Raiffeisen Versicherung placed particular
emphasis in autumn of 2007 on supplemental pension
security through occupational old-age provisions. Within the
framework of the broad selection of optimal provision solutions
for companies, particular emphasis was given to employee group
insurance My guaranteed company pension for employees,
as well as the pension approval and direct approval for business
executives and managing employees.
The 11th International Pension Symposium of Raiffeisen
Versicherung in Lisbon, made up of top-notch experts, concerned
itself with the increasing age of the population in the European
Union and the consequences for social security systems. In the
opinion of the experts, increasing of the labour force participation
rate of persons over 55 years through stronger investments in
human capital as well as gradual raising of the pension eligibility
age could help to ameliorate the growing problems in old-age
and nursing care insurance.
Market acceptance of their innovative provisions programme for
women, Womanlife, was confirmed for Raiffeisen Versicherung by
the most recent womens study. According to this study, Austrian
women currently feel self-confident and significantly more independent
than previously. In decisions on financial security for
old age, 38% of women rely on the advisor of their bank and,
in particular, on the advisors professional competence.
Joint initiative for climate protection
Twelve companies of the Austrian Raiffeisen organisation founded
a private initiative against climate change in 2007, out of feelings
of social responsibility. The Raiffeisen Climate Protection Initiative
(RKI) under the presidency of the former EU Commissioner of
Agriculture, Franz Fischler, intends to contribute to emerging
synergies in the area of energy efficiency and to sensitising large
sections of the public with regard to climate protection.
Awarding of the GreenBuilding certificate of the EU.
Since the start of 2008, the UNIQA Tower can officially boast the EU GreenBuilding
certificate. The Austrian energy agency recognised the striking
building in Vienna as an energy-conscious new building. This
makes the UNIQA Tower the first new office building in Austria
to which this certificate has been issued. UNIQA also considered
possible energy-saving measures with regard to their costs as
well as economic and environmental advantages for the hotel
project currently under construction on Praterstrasse.
Corporate social responsibility
70,000 €. As an act of corporate social responsibility, UNIQA and
Raiffeisen Zentralbank donated another €70,000 to the
hospice of Caritas, for the care and treatment of
with severe and untreatable illnesses.
UNIQA also makes a contribution to the conservation of endangered
species. In addition to transport insurance for the transfer
of two panda bears from China to the Vienna Zoo in Schönbrunn,
UNIQA also took on custom insurance for the duration of the
animals stay, including a newborn panda baby.