The annual financial statements of the companies in the consolidated financial statements ...The annual financial statements of the companies in Austria and abroad
included in the consolidated financial statements were predominantly
prepared up to the reporting date of UNIQA Versicherungen AG, i.e.
31 December. For recording in the consolidated financial statements, the
annual financial statements of UNIQA Versicherungen AG and its included
subsidiaries are unified to conform to the accounting and valuation principles
of IFRS/IAS and, as far as actuarial provisions, acquisition costs and
actuarial expenses and income are concerned, according to the provisions
Securities transactions are recorded using the settlement date. As a rule,
the fair values are derived from an active market. Intangible assetsIntangible assets include goodwill, deferred acquisition costs, the current
value of life, property and casualty insurance contracts and other items.
Goodwill is the difference between the purchase price for the stake in the
subsidiary and the Groups share in the equity after the disclosure of hidden
reserves at the time of acquisition.
Capitalised acquisition costs for insurance activities that are directly related
to new business and/or to extensions of existing policies and that vary in
line with that business are capitalised and written off over the term of the
insurance contracts they refer to. If they are attributable to property and
casualty insurance, they are written off over the probable policy term,
with a maximum of five years. For life insurance, the acquisition costs are
amortised over the duration of the policy in the same proportion as the
expected profit margin of each individual year is realised in comparison
to the total margin to be expected from the policies. For long-term health
insurance policies, the depreciation of acquisition costs is measured in line
with the proportionate share of earned premiums in the present value of
expected future premium income. The changes in capitalised acquisition
costs are shown as operating expenses.
With regard to life insurance business acquired, the updating of the current
value follows the progression of the estimated gross margins.
The other intangible assets include both purchased and self-developed software
which is depreciated on a straight line basis over its useful economic
life of two to five years.
Land and buildings, including buildings on third-party landLand and buildings that are held as long-term investments are recognised according to IAS 40 at acquisition or construction costs, reduced by the amounts of scheduled amortisations and depreciation. Owner-used land and buildings are shown at book value (IAS 16 benchmarking method). The scheduled depreciation term generally corresponds to the useful life, up to a maximum of 80 years. Real estate is depreciated on a straight-line basis over time.
The list of fair values can be found in the Notes under No. 1 and 3. Shares in affiliated and associated companiesTo the extent that the annual financial statements of affiliated and associated
companies are not consolidated for being of minor significance and/or
included at equity, these companies are valued as available for sale in
accordance with IAS 39.
InvestmentsWith the exception of securities held to maturity, mortgage loans and other
loans, the investments are listed at the current fair value, which is established
by determining a market value or stock market price. In the case of
investments for which no market value can be determined, the fair value is
determined through internal valuation models, external reports or on the
basis of estimates of what amounts could be achieved under the current
market conditions in event of proper liquidation.
Securities held to maturity, mortgage loans and other loans
These are recognised as amortised costs in the balance sheet. This means
that the difference between the acquisition costs and the repayment
amount changes the book value with an effect on income in proportion to
time and/or equity. The items included under other loans are recognised at
their nominal amount less any redemptions made in the interim. On 1 July
2008, securities previously available for sale were reclassified according to
IAS 39/50E as other loans. Overall, fixed-interest securities with a book
value of € 2,130 million were reclassified. The corresponding revaluation
reserve as at 30 June 2008 was € 98 million.
Securities available for sale
These are recognised in the financial statements at their fair value on the
reporting date. Differences between the fair value and historical acquisition
costs are dealt with under equity with a neutral effect on income,
after deduction of the provisions for latent profit sharing in life insurance
and deferred taxes. Depreciation that affects income (impairment) is undertaken
only where we anticipate a lasting fall in value. This uses the
fluctuations in fair value over the last nine months as well as the absolute
difference between acquisition costs and the fair value on the reporting
date as the basis for assessing a necessary impairment. For variable yield
securities we assume a sustained impairment when the highest quoted price
within the last nine months lies below the acquisition cost or the difference
between the cost of acquisition and the market value is greater than 20%.
These same selection criteria are also applied for fixed interest securities in
order to perform a precise credit-related evaluation of a sustained impairment
per security for the items in question. In addition, foreign exchange
differentials resulting from fixed-income securities are recognised with an
effect on income. Foreign exchange differentials resulting from variable
yield securities are recognised as equity with no effect on income to the
extent that these are not securities which are written off as the result of
impairment. The fair value of other investments is based in part on external
and internal company ratings.
Investments held for trade (trading portfolio)
Derivatives are used within the limits permitted by the Austrian Insurance
Supervisory Act for hedging investments and for increasing earnings. All
fluctuations in value are recognised in the income statement.
Investments at fair value through profit or loss
(fair value option)
Structured products are not split between the underlying transaction and
derivative, but are accounted for as a unit. All the structured products
can therefore be found in the Financial instruments at fair value through
profit or loss item of the balance sheet. Unrealised profits and losses are
dealt with in the income statement. In accordance with IAS 39 (11A), ABS
bonds, structured bonds, hedge funds and a special annuity fund with a
high share of derivatives are also dealt with under the items for securities
at fair value through profit or loss.
Deposits with credit institutions and other investments
are recognised at their fair value.
Investments held for unit-linked and index-linked life
These investments concern life insurance policies whose value or profit
is determined by investments for which the policyholder carries the risk,
i.e. the unit-linked or index-linked life insurance policies. The investments
in question are collected in asset pools, balanced at their current market
value and managed separately from the remaining investments of the
companies. The policyholders are entitled to all income from these investments.
The amount of the balanced investments strictly corresponds to the
actuarial provisions (before reinsurance business ceded) for life insurance,
to the extent that the investment risk is borne by the policyholders. The
unrealised profits and losses from fluctuations in the current market values
of the investment pools are thus counterbalanced by the corresponding
changes in these provisions. Shares of reinsurers in the technical provisionsThese are recognised on the assets page, taking the reinsurance contracts
into consideration. ReceivablesThese are recognised at their nominal value, taking into account redemptions
made and reasonable value adjustments. Liquid fundsare valued at their nominal amounts.
Other tangible assetsThe tangible assets and inventories included on the balance sheet under
other assets are recognised at acquisition and production costs, net of
depreciation. Tangible assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over
their useful life (up to a maximum of ten years). EquityThe subscribed capital corresponds to the calculated nominal value per
share that was achieved upon issuing of the shares.
The capital reserves represent the amount earned over and above the
calculated nominal value upon issue of the shares.
The revaluation reserve contains unrealised profits and losses from market
valuations of securities available for sale.
The revenue reserves include the withheld profit of the UNIQA Group
and proceeds from transactions with UNIQA shares.
The portfolio of UNIQA shares is deducted from the equity (revenue
The minority interests in shareholders equity represent the proportional
minority shares in equity.
Technical provisionsUnearned premiums
Unearned premiums are in principle calculated for each individual policy
and exactly to the day. If they are attributable to life insurance, they are
included in the actuarial provision.
Actuarial provision
Actuarial provisions are established in the property, life and health insurance
lines. Their recognition value on the balance sheet is determined according
to actuarial principles on the basis of the present value of future benefits
to be paid by the insurer less the present value of future net premiums
the insurer expects to receive. The actuarial provision of the life insurer is
calculated by taking into account prudent and contractually agreed bases
of calculation.
For policies of a mainly investment character (e.g. unit-linked life insurance),
the regulations in the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 97
(FAS 97) are used to value the actuarial provision. The actuarial provision is
arrived at by combining the invested amounts, the change in value of the
underlying investments and the withdrawals under the policy.
For unit-linked insurance policies, where the policyholder carries the sole
risk of the value of the investment rising or falling, the actuarial provision
is listed as a separate liability entry under Technical provisions for life
insurance where the investment risk is carried by policyholders.
The actuarial provisions for health insurance are determined on a calculation
basis of best estimate, taking into account safety margins. Once the
calculation bases have been determined, these have to be applied to the
corresponding partial portfolio for the whole term (locked-in principle).
Provision for outstanding claims
The provision for outstanding claims in the property insurance line consists
of the future payment obligations determined by realistic estimation using
recognised statistical methods taking into account current or expected
volumes, including the related expense of loss adjustment. This applies to
claims already reported as well as for claims incurred, but not yet reported.
In insurance lines where past experience does not allow the application of
statistical procedures, individual loss provisions are made.
Life insurance is calculated on an individual loss basis with the exception
of the provision for unreported claims.
For health insurance, the provisions for outstanding claims are estimated
on the basis of past experience, taking into consideration the known arrears
in claim payments.
The provision for the assumed reinsurance business generally complies
with the figures of the cedents.
Provision for premium refunds and profit sharing
The provision for premium refunds includes, on the one hand, the amounts
for profit-related and profit-unrelated profit sharing to which the policyholders
are entitled on the basis of statutory or contractual regulations and,
on the other hand, the amount resulting from the valuation of assets and
obligations of life insurers deviating from valuation under commercial law.
The amount of the provision for latent profit sharing amounts to generally
85% of the valuation differentials before tax. These valuation differences
can also give rise to net positive items, which are also listed here.
Other technical provisions
This item primarily contains the provision for contingent losses for acquired
reinsurance portfolios as well as a provision for expected cancellations and
premium losses.
Technical provisions for life insurance policies held on account and
at risk of policyholders
This item concerns the actuarial provisions and the remaining technical
provisions for obligations from life insurance policies whose value or income
is determined by investments for which the policyholder bears the risk
or for which the benefit is index-linked. As a general rule, the valuation
corresponds with the investments of the unit-linked and index-linked life
insurance written at current market values.
Other provisions for pensions and similar obligationsFor the performance-orientated old age provision systems of the UNIQA Group,
pension provisions are calculated in accordance with IAS 19 using the projected
unit credit method. Future obligations are spread over the whole employment
duration of the employees. All actuarial profits and losses due to changed parameters
are recognised as having an effect on income. The calculation is based on current
mortality, disability and fluctuation probabilities, expected increases in salaries,
pension entitlements and pension payments as well as a realistic technical interest
rate. The technical interest rate, which is determined in conformity with the
market and on the basis of the reporting date, is in line with the market yield
of long-term, high-quality industrial or government bonds.
The amount of other provisions is determined by the extent to which the provisions will probably be made use of.
Payables and other liabilities are shown at the amount to be repaid.
Deferred taxesDeferred tax assets and liabilities are to be created according to IAS 12
for temporary differences arising from the comparison of a stated asset
or an obligation using the respective taxable value. This results in probable
tax burdens affecting future cash-flow. These are to be accounted for
independently of the date of their release. Moreover, according to IAS,
deferred taxes for accumulated losses brought forward and not yet used
are to be capitalised to the extent that they can be used in the future with
adequate probability. Value adjustments (impairments)In principle, the carrying amounts of assets on the balance sheet are
checked at least once a year with regard to possible impairment. Securities
with an expected lasting decrease in value are depreciated with an effect
on income. The entire real estate inventory is subject to recurrent valuation
through external reports prepared by legally sworn experts. If there is a
foreseeable lasting reduction in the value of assets, their carrying amount
is reduced. PremiumsOf the premiums written in the area of unit and index-linked life insurance,
only those parts calculated to cover the risk and costs are allocated
as premiums. Classes of insurance(direct business and partly accepted reinsurance business)
- Life insurance
- Unit-linked and index-linked life insurance
- Health insurance
- Casualty insurance
- General liability insurance
- Motor TPL insurance, vehicle and passenger insurance
- Marine, aviation and transport insurance
- Legal expenses insurance
- Fire and business interruption insurance
- Housebreaking, burglary and robbery insurance
- Water damage insurance
- Glass insurance
- Storm insurance
- Household insurance
- Hail insurance
- Livestock insurance
- Machinery and business interruption insurance
- Construction insurance
- Credit insurance
- Other forms of insurance