Social commitment – Nurturing people

In the UNIQA Group, we put social commitment into practice at many levels. The initiatives described below are just a few examples of our commitment to people and society.

Wide variety of initiatives and projects

UNIQA supports a large number of social initiatives in Austria as well as in Central and Eastern Europe. Examples include the Austrian Business for Integration Association, the Caritas organisation, Hilfswerk Austria, Light for the World, the Pink Ribbon campaign, Austrian Integration Award partnership, Journey for the Dream Foundation and the promotion of sport in schools in a number of countries.

Since 2011, we have been supporting technical developments for the disabled with the UNIKATE ideas competition. In conjunction with the Austrian National Council of Disabled Persons, the first practical solutions resulting from the translation of ideas were presented at the beginning of 2014: a handcam and telephony software.

Promotion of health and sport

As the largest provider of health insurance in Austria, we promote health by focussing on physical activity, nutrition and mental fitness. In 2014, we combined all activities under one initiative: “Denk Gesundheit, die Spaß macht” (Think Health, Think Fun). We are also supporting more health-related initiatives in CEE countries. One of the key areas is sport – on all levels. Successful athletes are role models and can have a positive impact on society. We therefore work together in many countries with local athletes as brand ambassadors; and have a partnership with the European Handball Federation.

The health of children and young people is an issue that is particular close to our hearts. “UNIQA Fit aufwachsen Camps” (UNIQA Grow-Up-Fit Camps) use play as a vehicle to help 10 to 14 year olds and their parents become more health conscious. Since 2012, we have been supporting Vital4Brain, an initiative to bring physical activity into schools, make learning less monotonous and promote concentration. We also invest in education and the arts. In the 2014/2015 school year, UNIQA is once again supporting the SAG’S MULTI speech competition for young people with or without a migrant background, marking the sixth time now that the Group has supported this competition. Since 2013, we have also been sponsoring the opera for children at the Salzburg Festival.

© UNIQA Group 2015