Processes and Products
Internet and communications technology
We utilise state-of-the-art Internet and communications
technology to ensure efficient processing and
administration processes and, top-quality customer
service and as instruments for developing creative
insurance and pension provision solutions.
In 2006, we pioneered the development of a completely new
form of motor vehicle insurance in Austria based on advanced
technology. Satellite navigation, a mobile telephone network
and information technology are the foundation of usage-optimised
insurance (UOI).
The two-phase test run of this innovative project was an impressive
success. It marks yet another milestone in our technology
leadership. The key innovation: more precise definition of the
risk profile by measuring the actual distance driven as well as
the roads used. |
Savings from a brand new form of motor vehicle insurance
300 test vehicles
are driving with the Navi Box and counting kilometres. The
new motor vehicle insurance concept: the premium depends
on the distance driven, as measured by a Navi Box in the
car. |
The core of usage-optimised insurance is the Navi Box a small
device installed in the automobile that contains a GPS receiver.
Via satellite navigation, this box records when and where the
car is driven. It transmits the data once per day to a server of
the telematics provider via the mobile telephone network. The
navigation data are then compared with a map. This makes it
possible to differentiate between distances driven in the city, on
rural roads and motorways. Driving on rural roads presents a
statistically lower risk of accidents than driving in the city. The
information obtained serves as the basis for risk-based definition
of the premiums.
After the successful completion of the pilot run with 300 test
drivers, we will offer motor vehicle liability insurance and comprehensive
insurance of this new generation, initially to private
customers, starting at the end of 2007. Anyone who drives fewer
than 10,000 kilometres in a year will save up to one third of
their premium costs with this new form of insurance. The market
potential is large: according to our estimate, a target group
of roughly 900,000 drivers exists within Austria.
Combination with mobile safety packages
Already unique within Austria, this insurance product will be
perfected as a complete solution with additional services, such
as accident alarm, car finder, emergency assistance, navigation
system and mobile weather warnings. In an emergency, for example,
the Navi Box can direct assistance to the accident site
or locate a stolen car with the car finder feature.
We are preparing a special offer for companies with small or medium-sized vehicle
fleets. It should serve as an electronic driving log as well as allowing locating
and tracking of the vehicle fleet. Roughly 12,000 businesses come into question
as potential customers for this innovation in commercial motor vehicle insurance,
primarily from the areas of leasing and rental cars, car sharing, tradespersons
or transport and customer service.
Planned integration of cooperation partners
We will constantly expand the mobile services associated with
the UOI project through cooperation with telecommunications
partners. For example, the Navi Box could be installed in containers
for tracking transport goods and locating them in the
event of theft. The technology has great potential to offer in
the area of valuable shipments and in the construction industry.
Also conceivable would be its use in a Help Box the size of a
wrist watch. It could notify an ambulance and simplify rescue
in the event of an emergency.
Another innovation is our Auto & Network Environmental
Bonus. Since people who do little driving and use public transportation
place less of a burden on the environment, we give all
owners a personal annual pass for public transportation, and a
one-time credit of two months of premiums upon conclusion of
a new liability and comprehensive insurance policy. If passenger
insurance is also purchased, we provide free public transportation
accident insurance as well. This covers accidents occurring
in the use of public transportation and is yet another innovation
on the Austrian insurance market.
We reward young drivers for staying safe
We also made our motor vehicle rates considerably more attractive
in 2006, through improved benefits. For young drivers in
particular, we offer significant premium discounts for just three
years with no claims after opening of the insurance policy.
For new driver’s license recipients who do not generate any
claims at UNIQA within three years of obtaining their license,
we will reimburse the additional costs for multi-phase driver’s
training. This has led to a significant decline in the accidents
caused by learner drivers. The revised motor vehicle rates also
offer noticeable improvements for existing customers.
Professional safety check for companies
For us, prevention is a decisive factor for limiting claims in all
areas of insurance. Upon conclusion of a business insurance
bundle, we therefore give our commercial customers a free security
package in cooperation with the worlds largest security
company SECURITAS.
This security package is implemented between SECURITAS and
our customers and allows many small and medium-sized enterprises
to obtain an individual risk analysis and security strategy.
Because break-ins to offices and business locations or the theft
of laptops, computers and expensive electronics are an often
underestimated risk for Austrian companies.
Direct line to a solicitor without an appointment
We have also optimised our service for legal expense insurance
customers with access to legal advice. Thanks to the solicitor
PLUSservice from UNIQA and the immediate legal expense assistance
of the Group subsidiary Raiffeisen Versicherung, customers
can directly contact one of 26 top-notch solicitors offices
in all parts of Austria through a free hotline available on
business days.
165,000 private customers
take advantage of our severe weather SMS service. This service
makes an important contribution to claim prevention as
part of the QualityPartnership. |
As an important contribution to claim prevention, UNIQA provided
roughly 165,000 private customers with 2.4 million free
severe weather warnings, via SMS to their mobile phones or
by e-mail to their computers, within the framework of the
QualityPartnership. In addition, approximately 1,100 communities
and many companies have taken advantage of this innovative
offer. As another unique offering, we also made a separate
service available to the agricultural sector free of charge.
Modern weather service now also for farmers
This special agricultural weather service is the first forecasting
service for temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed
and evaporation in Austria that is specific to postal code regions.
Timely warnings of gale winds, rain or hail contribute
to minimising claims at fruit orchards and vineyards, as well as
for vehicle fleets.
More accident benefits for the same premium
Raiffeisen Versicherung has expanded the scope of benefits for
its accident insurance package. In the event of an occupational
or recreational accident, it provides funds to compensate for lost
income, financing of therapies, treatment aids or operations, as
well as home alterations.
As an additional premium-free benefit upon conclusion of
an emergency package, we now offer the Rehab Service.
Specialists support the accident victim with medical, social and
occupational rehabilitation in the event of an expected prolonged
invalidity of at least 35%.
Private personal old-age provisions are indispensable
270,000 Policies
The Pension & Gestalten pension plan offers our customers
two great opportunities to actively design their
provisions for the future. They can choose between a
proven, conservative investment and the future plan.
The future plan offers overall higher yield expectations
through special forms of investment. In 2006, we were
able to conclude 270,000 policies. |
As an insurance company of the next generation, creativity in
long-term old-age provisions is particularly important to us.
Because more than four out of five Austrians consider private personal
old-age provisions to be indispensable. Nearly two-thirds
have already started at age 30 and spend an average of € 138
per month, primarily for private life and pension insurance.
Future-proof provisions with the three pillars
Three pillars of old-age provision |
Old-age provisions that are secure against the future are based
on three pillars: state pension, company pension and private
provisions. Private provisions, which are subsidised by the state
with premium discounts, are particularly popular within Austria.
Up to a maximum annual contribution of € 2,115, the government
offers a subsidy of 9% for 2007. Roughly 1 million Austrians
already take advantage of this opportunity. We are the clear
market leader in old-age provisions, with 300,000 policies and
a market share of approximately 30%.
The advantages: Receipt of the deposited capital plus the government
premium is guaranteed. After expiration of the minimum
ten-year contract duration insofar as no pension qualification
exists the collected capital can be paid out subject to
subsequent taxation, reinvested in old-age provisions or used
as a one-time contribution for a life-long pension, payable at no
earlier than 40 years of age.
There is tremendous untapped potential in the area of company
old-age provisions. The introduction of employee group insurance
based on the model of classic life insurance expanded the
range of offerings in the area of company old-age provisions
previously served predominately by pension funds.
Great interest in company old-age provisions
According to an exclusive study by the market research institute
FESSEL-GfK commissioned by Raiffeisen Versicherung, the employee
group insurance was still unknown to 77% of Austrians
shortly after its introduction. The same study showed that those
surveyed placed company old-age provisions products in fourth
place amongst the provision alternatives. Every second worker
would even prefer a company pension to a salary increase. We
offer models for this with our employee group insurance and
provident insurance, as well as through pension funds.
UNIQA is seeking to score points with companies through a
new employee group insurance. The offer provides companies
with the security they desire to ensure their capability to provide
promised benefits through the guarantee of minimum interest
rates, allocated profits and life-long annuity payments.
Transforming salary into company pension
The UNIQA Group has also developed for companies two attractive
models for company pensions through conversion of employee
salary increases with advantages for both sides. Salary
increases converted into contributions for provident insurance
save the company money on social security contributions and are
deductible as business expenses. At the same time, employees
transform the salary increase, which is not subject to taxation
and social security contributions, gross for net into a guaranteed
life-long pension, with provisions, for surviving dependants.
Companies have a choice in the type of investment: either classic
life insurance with guaranteed payout values and annual vested
profit allocations, or unit-linked life insurance with greater prospects
for better interest rates on the invested money coupled
with higher risks.
We are also optimally situated in the area of company old-age
provisions through pension funds. Our partner ÖPAG, the most
experienced pension fund in Austria, is considered the best pension
fund in the country. In addition, the new indemnity system
has been competently implemented in our complete solution
for business customers with our partner for company pension
schemes, ÖVK Vorsorgekasse.
New fund policy with optimal freedom of choice
Our specialist and the market leader for unit-linked life insurance,
FINANCELIFE, once again set new standards for innovative
provisions in 2006. With FL active and My Raiffeisen fund
policy PLUS, this creative product developer created exclusive
offers that combine guaranteed insurance protection with an
intelligent concept for asset management.
These offers give the customer power to choose. During the
policy term, they can combine the guarantee on their invested
money with investment in international stocks or bond funds of
various compositions however they like. And they can change
their decision at any time. A flexible opportunity for future provisions
that is unique throughout the market.
FINANCELIFE created another flexible investment concept in the form of the limited edition Bonus & Garantie II and TOPAS BEST 20-GARANT II. It combines the capital guarantee with high yield prospects and tax advantages. The income earned year after year is not only regularly credited to the investor, it is paid out tax-free after just five years, or no later than at the end of the contract.
Interview with Franz Fischler
Next Generation
Roland Kwitt, 25 Austria, research assistant at Salzburg Research
In his diploma thesis, which was recognised with an award from the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture, the ITS graduate developed methods of detecting, amongst other things, hacker attacks on the World Wide Web. The Salzburg University of Technologies has already put these methods successfully into practice.
Mr Kwitt, your industry is considered very rich in innovation. How do you arrive at new ideas? Well, we dont reinvent the wheel. But the world is constantly in motion and this always gives rise to new challenges. It is only necessary to critically question what exists then one finds sufficient ideas regarding what could still be optimised. I simply enjoy asking the questions: How can that be done better, more efficiently, more quickly? How can I achieve my optimal goal?
That sounds very technical and rational. It isnt intended to. I am of the opinion that technology should always be in the service of humanity. For example, my programme makes it possible to exchange information more securely. To me, technology is a tool that can be used intelligently for the optimisation of work processes. |
Franz Fischler became the Austrian Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry in 1989, and as a member of the European Commission for European agricultural policy from 1995 to 2004, he was responsible for rural development and, as of 2000, for European fishery policy as well. Today, he works as a consultant, gives talks and lectures, and is the Chairman of the Eco-Social Forum. |
Dr Fischler, you are familiar with the opportunities and pitfalls of the political process. What fascinates you in particular about politics? In politics, I have always been fascinated by the ability to influence developments and shape the future. I have also always enjoyed being constantly in direct contact with many different people.
How do you measure the success of a project based on public acclaim? Public opinion is a factor that should be considered. However, the most important thing in politics is to communicate decisions transparently and verifiably. In addition, I measure politics, as well as myself, based on implementation of the goals. |
One must first invest, then one can profit.
As a qualitative market leader, we are always looking for new and innovative ideas that further improve our service quality. We consider it both our job and our duty to confirm our customers trust in UNIQA, as being the leader in innovation through customised solutions. |
You are considered a European by conviction. What tasks still lie ahead for Europe, in your opinion?
The most important tasks for the future are, in my opinion, ensuring sufficient jobs and fighting unemployment. To do this, it will be necessary to make our economy more know-how intensive, reduce bureaucracy and also ensure social justice and more responsibility toward the environment. This is also the European answer to globalisation. However, these are not tasks for the European Community but rather shared tasks in which we all must make our contribution. New sales markets that will help secure jobs will also arise in this way. There is tremendous potential for Austria in the East, in particular. We already profit the most from the expansion and must do everything possible to continue this success story. The Central and Eastern European countries have a long way to catch up, particularly in banking and insurance, as well as in IT. We must optimally serve the markets at our doorstep.
What does that mean in concrete terms?
We need a more innovative economy. We only register half as many patents every year as the USA and also have only half as much risk capital. One must first invest, then one can profit.
What is your personal recipe for success?
I believe that one should be open to everything new, but at the same time maintain a critical attitude. Only by asking new questions to provoke new answers can we make progress in politics.
Increasing importance of private nursing care provisions
The increasing average age of society presents enormous challenges,
not only for the state pension system but also for the
financing of caretaking insurance. Approximately 550,000
Austrians currently require nursing care. In fifteen years, there
will be an additional 350,000 people of over the age of 75.
According to estimates, caretaking costs could rise by up to
400% by 2030. The state nursing care allowance may then fall
far short of financing care for the elderly.
Timely private nursing care provisions are becoming the order
of the day. For this reason, UNIQA and Raiffeisen Versicherung
developed new, flexible options for provisions against the financial
burdens care in old age. Nursing care insurance is available
as a supplement to pension insurance and also as an independent
policy with single or recurring premiums. The benefits are
independent of the state nursing care allowance. Independent
experts determine the level of nursing care needs.
New answers for the future of the health care system
As the insurance company of a new generation, we must provide
new answers to the burning question of the future of our health
care system, because expenditures will increase over the coming
decades at above-average rates due to demographic developments
and the rising costs for modern high-tech medicine.
With new types of products and attractive offers, we are setting
a clear course to curb the rise in costs and premiums through
prevention. We provide private customers with information and
meaningful offers for a healthy lifestyle through our VitalClub.
And we expand on this prevention initiative for business customers
and their employees. In cooperation with the Institute
for Health Management, our UNIQA HealthService offers companies
not only individual prevention modules but also a comprehensive
health balance sheet for the company.
Health account for curbing contribution increases
We imagine a private health account as a suitable instrument
for curbing future contribution increases in the state health care
system. It would be funded with regular payments and serve
for financing of minor health care services that are no longer
covered by the state. State subsidisation of this health account,
as for old-age provisions, would make the model even more
Select special category is a bestseller
We have made the entry into private health insurance more
interesting for people just starting their careers and for young
families on a tight budget with the new select special category
premium class. We are the only insurance company in Austria to
cover the full costs of particularly serious illnesses and accidents
at lower premiums than with complete medical insurance of the
special premium class.
In addition, we offer the savings model known as FutureBonus.
During times when one is earning well, it is possible to pay a
higher premium, which reduces the premium burden after retirement.
Increasing outsourcing of processes
We are supporting the increasing internationalisation of our
business through creative solutions in our administrative and
service processes. For instance, we set up Group IT competence
centres in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Croatia in
recent years.
In these competence centres, we not only maintain and develop
IT solutions for local markets but also for other regions within
our field of operations in Central and Eastern Europe. We even
distribute classic insurance processes within the UNIQA Group
to various locations in the respective region. In this way, we
utilise cost and synergy advantages without any decrease in
the quality of the service.
The internationalisation of the administrative and processing
processes is also creating new jobs in Austria, since the duties of
roughly 200 employees at the UNIQA headquarters are directly
related to the activities of the Group outside of Austria.
U.CIS for a new era of customer service
We took a decisive step in 2006 toward better utilisation of our
customer potential, and toward creation of many more complete
customer relationships, with the rollout of the UNIQA customer
information system U.CIS. The modern online database opens
up an entirely new dimension of advising. U.CIS offers us the
opportunity to consolidate and statistically analyse all the information
>from our existing policies, supplemented by the information
collected by our representatives in personal conversations
with customers.
Electronic access to the individual profile of every policyholder
offers the opportunity for service tailored to individual needs as
well as access to untapped potentials through cross selling. The
start of a new era for our ExclusiveSales programme, which we
are also introducing at the subsidiaries in the Czech Republic
and Slovakia in 2007.
The holistic approach of U.CIS, which includes not just an individual
person but the whole family, will contribute to significantly
increasing the number of policies per customer. However, the
system will also allow for better service quality and therefore
customer loyalty.
Competition offensive ensures maximum quality
With the aspiration of being an insurance company of a new
generation, we had to offer our most demanding customers
an extra class of service. Constantly improving this service is
the goal of our ServiceCup. The winning team of this internal
competition must rank at the top in multiple categories: correct
processing of policies, the speed of precise and unbureaucratic
handling of claims or accessibility by telephone.
Ratings by our customers decide the winner of the ServiceCup.
The gratifying result: 81% of customers gave us top marks.
But customers also expect attention, speed and correctness in
the processing of a claim. For this reason, we hold the employees
of the service departments to the highest standards of professionalism,
sensitivity and communication skills.
Top satisfaction with the central customer service
This challenge must be met by our central customer service in
2,500 inquiries per day. Competence as well as the ability to
establish an insightful dialogue are basic requirements for the
We therefore apply the highest standards to their selection, education
and training. Our customers assessment of our central
customer service, which also works for group companies such
as Raiffeisen Versicherung and FINANCELIFE, is clear: 94.2% of
those surveyed are very satisfied or satisfied with their personal
contact person, 85% would recommend our central customer
service to a friend.
Providing our customers with online access to their policy data is
a natural part of our business. With the Internet communications
portal myUNIQA, they have constant access to the PartnerConto,
including the most important services, all insurance policies,
the payment plan or an overview of the no-claim bonus, their
current PartnerPoints status or the contact information of their
exclusive representative.
Pioneering accomplishment in portal technology
Raiffeisen Versicherung also achieved a pioneering accomplishment
in a new portal technology for its customers. They now
have access to an exclusive offering at the Internet address
In addition to the overview of policies and premium due dates
available at any time, the user can order special benefits through
this online service, such as short holidays in top hotels at preferential
rates or hotel vouchers.
UNIQA customers with the MedPLUS24 service can directly
contact the medical call centre staffed with knowledgeable
physicians to answer their questions. Medical information of
all kinds is available, such as explanation of test results and
diagnoses, a second opinion, alternative treatment options,
tips for medical check ups, travel medicine or addresses of
appropriate hospitals and supplemental services. |
Our health platform MedUNIQA has now long established itself
as the largest and most comprehensive Austrian medical website
with over 160,000 accesses per month, thanks in particular to
the current and up-to-date articles it publishes on the Internet.
The professional mixture of knowledge base, news and, above
all, services is exceptionally attractive. Not least of which is the
MedPLUS24 service, which offers our customers the opportunity
to consult with a physician by telephone.
- With the usage-optimised
insurance (UOI) we are working
on a unique and innovative
motor vehicle insurance
product that will be introduced
to the market at the
end of 2007.
- In the area of pension provisions,
the UNIQA Group is the
clear market leader in Austria
with a market share of 30%.
We are also forerunners in
health insurance and in nursing
care provisions.
- The U.CIS customer information
system provides our
representatives with
a new dimension in consulting
and gives them access
to untapped cross selling