Group and Profit
The internationalisation
The internationalisation of our company portfolio
and the profit improvement programme are consolidating
our leading position in Austria, and our
increasing importance as a profitable player in
Central and Eastern Europe.
The clear increase of our premiums and profit in the 2006 financial
year was the result of our company strategy aimed at
consequent internationalisation and yield-oriented expansion.
Our position as one of the leading insurance groups in Austria
has remained the basis for our success. With the strategy of concentric circles around the Austrian market,
we are focussing on profitable insurance niches in Western
Europe (WEM), but, in particular, on the enormous growth potential
in the New Eastern Emerging Markets (NEEM) on the
eastern border of the European Union as well as on Central and
Eastern Europe (CEE). |
New markets in Eastern Europe as growth drivers
16 countries
The UNIQA Group is active in Austria and in fifteen other
European insurance markets. In total, the UNIQA Group
a premium
volume of € 5 billion. The profit made
on ordinary activities
for 2006 amounted to € 238 .5 million
whereof approximately
30% is attributed to international
markets. |
The new markets, with their considerable need to increase their
economic prosperity, insurance coverage and old-age provisions,
are our strategic growth drivers. We are utilising their potential
with prudent determination. We are now operating in fifteen
countries outside of Austria. And we are constantly evaluating
the possibilities of becoming active in other regions of Eastern
and South-Eastern Europe.
The preferred partnership with the Raiffeisen bank group is a
reliable pillar of our internationalisation strategy. Together with
our local banking partners, we provide services to over 10 million
clients in the eastern target markets.
Leading life insurer acquired in Serbia
We increased UNIQAs presence in the largely untapped emerging
markets of South-Eastern Europe in 2006. At the beginning
of November, we acquired 80% of the share capital of Zepter
osiguranje A.D. in Belgrade. Concurrently, the general conditions
for the acquisition of the remaining shares were specified.
We renamed the company UNIQA a.d.o. at the start of 2007
and successfully launched the UNIQA brand in Serbia.
The sixth-largest insurer in Serbia is one of the countrys largest
life insurers with more than 26 branches operating in the market.
There are approximately 100 in-house employees. Brokers,
cooperation partners as well as employed and freelance salespersons
are involved in sales.
We aim to consolidate the position of UNIQA osiguranje as a
leading life insurer by building up bank sales, made possible
by the signing of a cooperation agreement between UNIQA
and the Raiffeisen banka in Belgrade. The life insurance business
is developing very positively and promises to create great
The Serbian insurance market, which has annual premiums of
approximately € 420 million, is currently dominated by property
insurance, which makes up about nine tenths of the market.
Therefore, we will broaden the offer of the new Group company
to include innovative property and motor vehicle insurances.
Our involvement in the future growth region of Serbia perfectly
complements our activities in South-Eastern Europe. The Serbian
economy has achieved above-average growth levels in recent
years. In 2006, despite increasing inflationary tension, the total
economic output experienced a real growth of approximately
7% and is, therefore, on a steep growth path.
Entry into the Ukrainian market
35 %
The UNIQA Group acquired 35 % of the seventh-largest
Ukrainian insurer, Credo-Classic, in 2006, and founded the
Kiev-based UNIQA LIFE. |
We entered into the Ukrainian market in May 2006. The entry
was a new milestone in our massive commitment in Eastern
With its 47 million inhabitants, the Ukraine is considered to be
one of the largest and most promising markets in Eastern Europe.
Due to its enormous need to catch up, the economy is growing
dynamically: Despite double-digit inflation rates, the total
economic output increased by more than 6% in 2006, and will
continue to grow at a similar pace in the next years.
First, we took an equity stake of 35% of the share capital of Credo-
Classic in Kiev, which was previously only active in property insurance.
At the same time, an agreement was reached to gradually
increase our involvement to 76% by 2009. Credo-Classic is the
seventh-largest insurer in the country and has a premium volume
of around € 30 million and almost 950 employees working in
or outside of the office at 26 locations.
Extreme consolidation of the market
A process of extreme consolidation is taking place in the
Ukrainian insurance market, which still consists of more than
400 companies.
The ten largest companies currently only have a
market share of around 21%. The greatest potential for growth
in the next few years will lie in motor vehicle liability insurance,
which has been compulsory since 2004, and the clearly underrepresented
life insurance.
For this reason, we founded the Kiev-based UNIQA LIFE in
October, with identical capital shares to Credo-Classic. The company
immediately began selling life insurance, though at first
mainly via Credo-Classics extensive marketing network.
Cooperation with Raiffeisen Bank Aval
The new cooperation with Raiffeisen Bank Aval, the leading retail bank in the
country with 1,400 branches, offers great possibilities for expansion. It
gives access to 3 million clients and creates an enormous potential for cross
selling property insurance and other products. Therefore, Credo-Classic developed
further offers in 2006, such as travellers accident insurance and travel
cancellation insurance.
In the course of our expansion strategy, we had already achieved
a foothold in the Romanian market in 2005. After acquiring 27%
of the share capital of the seventh-largest Romanian insurer,
Versicherung ASTRA S.A., we intend to acquire the majority interest
of the company in future.
New logo for the Romanian market
a decision at an extraordinary general meeting of ASTRA and UNIQA, the company
now appears under the new ASTRAUNIQA logo. The logo was presented to the public
at a launch event in Bucharest.
The company aims to become the market leader in the Romanian
insurance market in future, by utilising the solid basis of both
partners and innovations in its broad product spectrum for private
and corporate clients. The high expectations of the management
for 2006 have been fulfilled by an increase in premiums of
over 80%.
The service was also improved in 2006 by the new website, which enables online access to products and
contract data. Furthermore, Romanian clients can now reach the
call centre at a freephone hotline number, and pay in their policy
fees at any post office country-wide.
Joining the EU promotes prosperity in Romania and Bulgaria
The admission of Romania into the European Union as of
1 January 2007, will add further impetus to the countrys economic
catching-up process. Supported by a strong increase in
private consumption and a robust growth in investments, the
countrys real production rose by more than 6% in 2006.
The unemployment rate has levelled out at about 6%; inflation
continues to fall, recently hitting 7%. These are favourable
prerequisites for a basically problem-free expansion over the
next few years. Our activities in this future growth region will
benefit by this.
As will our commitment in Bulgaria, which also became a new EU
member at the beginning of 2007. After taking over 20% of the
capital stock of the sixth-largest Bulgarian insurance company,
Vitosha, in the year 2005, we have been responsible for managing
the Sofia-based company since 2006. At the beginning of
2007, we took over the majority of the shares and rebranded
Vitosha into UNIQA. We plan to increase our commitment to
at least 75% by 2009.
The cooperation with the Raiffeisen banks in Bulgaria has resulted
in an enormous growth spurt in property insurance, and
particularly in the life insurance business.
Capital increase for future investments in Bulgaria
A capital increase of € 18 million in 2006, made Vitosha one of
the best capitalised insurance companies in Bulgaria. Aside from
building up reserves, the influx of capital has served to finance
important investments for the future. The goal is to strengthen
the impact of marketing, modernise the IT system and to increase
the brand awareness of UNIQA in Bulgaria.
In 2006, to reinforce our brand in the Bulgarian market we
launched a campaign in motor vehicle liability insurance called
Stick and Win. And we also promoted UNIQA as a quality
brand in the aspiring new EU member country through an advertising
cooperation with Krum Donchev, the Bulgarian runner-
up in the European rally championships.
Faces for UNIQA
Sports sponsoring is one of the cornerstones of our marketing
activities in Central and Eastern Europe. For example,
we were able to increase the brand awareness of
UNIQA amongst the public as the main sponsor of the
world water slalom championships held in Prague. In
Bulgaria, we are working successfully with Krum Donchev,
the runner-up of the European rally championships, as
a public advertising medium in the aspiring new EU
member country. Moreover, we support Sparta Prague,
the most popular Czech football club, and in Hungary
the games of the Handball Champions League. We are
also continuing the Group faces for UNIQA campaign
with a partnership with the Czech world-class kayak paddler
Stepanka Hilgertova, the Serbian ex-basketball star
Alexander Djordjevic as well as in Slovakia with the successful
ski racer, Veronika Zuzulova, and in Hungary with
the well-known water polo players, Adam and Barnabas
Steinmetz. |
Interview with Hans Peter Haselsteiner
Next Generation
Gerlinde Fellner, 29
Institute for Political Economy
The scientist examined the influence
of psychology on the financial
markets in her thesis and received
two awards for her work.Ms Fellner, you tie human behavioural
patterns to macroeconomic
developments. What discoveries
did you make here?
Human behaviour in economic and
financial markets is much less characterised
by rational calculation
as economic theory would like to
The quality of a decision
definitely depends on emotional
and social processes.
Do you see differences here
Western and Eastern
There is a divide between West and
East in the willingness to take risks.
However, the people in most of the
Eastern European countries are currently
being confronted with major
economic changes. They still have
little faith in government institutions.
This can dampen the growth rate.
Above all, those companies that operate
in the market must help to reduce
these trust barriers. How can you explain the success
of your scientific work?
In research, as in most other professions,
hard work and persistence
pay off. But building up cooperative
partnerships and networks is
decisive for success. |
Over the past 30 years, the 63-year-old entrepreneur has turned a family business based in
Carinthia into one of the largest construction firms in Europe, which is planning an initial
public offering in 2007. As one of the leading suppliers in Central and Eastern Europe,
STRABAG has over 50,000 employees at over 500 locations and provides construction services
amounting to more than e 10 billion a year. |
Dr Haselsteiner, you have written a success story in
the construction branch that is quite unusual. Why are
you so successful?
I am often described as calculating with a cool head. I find this
description too one-sided. But it is an on-the-mark description
of a certain side of my actions: I always make sure that I have
minimised the risks and use the opportunities that the market
offers in a consequential and decisive manner. You can only be
successful if you act economically. Because you dont build for
its own sake, construction is an economic activity that has to
pay off over the long run, like any other business.
You can only be successful if
you act economically. If you want to be successful in
business you have to be ready
to cross borders and take on
risks. UNIQA provides its customers
with a reliable and experienced
partner in sixteen
countries, helping them guard
against, and overcome, entrepreneurial
risks. |
What do the new markets in Eastern Europe mean
to you?
Without a doubt, Eastern Europe is a market of the future; in
certain areas its expansion rate is even outdoing the growth
rates in China. In ambitious markets, the construction business
is always there before all the others. And the need to catch up
in the next 30 years is huge in the countries of Eastern Europe.
What it took us 60 years to accomplish after the war is expected
to take place in just a short time in the emerging markets.
An enormous potential for the future of the construction business, which can contribute substantially to the economic
development of Eastern Europe and its people.
What are the important factors in the development of
Eastern Europe?
Entrepreneurial thinking must adapt itself to the needs of the
markets. All-purpose strategies or across-the-board solutions
dont help here. What we need are fitting comprehensive
concepts for the special situations in the individual countries
of Eastern Europe. Those who develop intelligent custommade
solutions are, as always, a step ahead.
New campaign
Our new campaign also started internationally in 2006: The print campaign began in the early summer, almost simultaneously,
in four Eastern European countries. In the autumn, we broadened the campaign to include two additional countries. |
UNIQA Hungary receives quality seal of approval
UNIQA Biztosító Zrt., operating in Hungary for sixteen years and
based in Budapest, has earned a reputation as a pioneer for product
innovation as well as a top address for first-class customer
service. These achievements were recognised in 2006, with the
ISO certification and the issuing of the seal of approval through
SGS Hungaria GesmbH by an external audit firm.
The niche product Super-G, travel insurance with extra coverage
which was developed towards the end of 2005, in collaboration
with Car-Tour International travel agencies and the
Hungarian Ski Academy, has already become a great success in
Hungary. The product was upgraded to Super-G+ with an additional
personal liability insurance in connection with a motor
vehicle assistance service, and was taken out by almost 10,000
clients in the past winter season.
The introduction of the VitalClub in Hungary made UNIQA
Hungary the first Group company outside Austria to strengthen
the activities in the area of health care. The prevention programme
was introduced in April 2006 in the form of a health
week, several VitalWeekends and UNIQA company sport days.
UNIQA Biztosító Zrt. was awarded
the quality seal of approval for
first-class service. Our Hungarian
subsidiary has been impressing
people with product innovations
and an outstanding understanding
of service for sixteen years. |
Network of agencies has expanded further
We have increased our presence in Hungary by opening the
100th agency office. The advantage of the agency system, which
is unique in Hungary, is that external UNIQA employees can
operate agencies on their own account.
The agency network and the offices own network give UNIQA
Biztosító a powerful basis for expanding the business. A result of
our dynamisation projects, with which we aim to increase our
market share in countries such as Hungary, Poland, the Czech
Republic, Slovakia and Croatia through integral, sustained and
profitable growth.
With a market share of around 6.5% and over 1,100 employees
who look after more than 320,000 clients, we are now not only
the no. 6 in Hungary; above all, we are the most rapidly expanding
business on the Hungarian insurance market.
Reorganisation increased the sales force in Poland
In 2006, the Group companies UNIQA and FILAR in Poland
focussed on the optimisation of all processes which serve to
continually improve the quality of service. The reorganisation
of sales structures was part of this.
The role of bank sales reached a whole new dimension as a result
of the framework agreement with Raiffeisen Bank Polska.
In particular, in the case of life insurance especially unit-linked
policies the sale over the bank counter is becoming increasingly
important in Poland as well.
As part of the preferred partnership between UNIQA and the
Raiffeisen bank group, we developed a special offer for Raiffeisens
clients in Poland. It includes diverse new products such as insurance
coverage for unemployment, improper use of credit cards
or loss of money. Furthermore, we insure the leasing vehicles of
Raiffeisen Leasing Poland.
ExclusiveSales in Poland was strengthened considerably, the
reorganisation of FILARs office network was completed and
the broker service was totally restructured, both internally and
across the region. In the process, we made sure the contact to
the bigger brokers was efficient. A special team was trained to
see to their needs.
New channels of distribution were developed
In 2006, we reached a cooperation agreement with car dealers
in Poland to open up new channels of distribution. A special
motor vehicle policy was offered to selected clients. The range
of products was also increased and made more attractive in
other areas of insurance.
We introduced a new house and flat insurance for private clients
and developed a comprehensive security offer for small and
medium-sized enterprises in Poland, as well as a tailor-made
insurance package for important cooperation
partners in residential cooperatives.
Award for the best insurance in Poland
Best insurer
UNIQA received the award for Best Insurance Company in
Poland. We have been operating successfully on the Polish
market since 1998 , and have been setting standards with
our innovative products. |
Furthermore, we began the sale of a unit-linked life insurance that
is also suitable as a company old-age provision. We also brought
innovative solutions for health care onto the Polish market.
The efforts taken by UNIQA TU to constantly optimise services
were rewarded by the monthly magazine Home & Market with
the conferring of the title Best Insurance Company.
Brand awareness increased in the Czech Republic
Our subsidiary UNIQA pojištovna based in Prague launched new
activities in 2006, to further increase brand awareness and our
market share in the Czech Republic. As the main sponsor of the
world championship in water slalom, we increased the advertising
awareness of the public to UNIQA.
Thus the prerequisites for a continued high expansion rate in
insurance and old-age provision have been created for the current
New products for Slovakia
UNIQA poistovna was successful in Slovakia in 2006, thanks to
new products and sponsoring activities. The market launch of the
unique life insurance life insurance joker aroused much public
attention. Furthermore, a group life insurance and the health
insurance MedExclusive were offered for the first time.
In 2006, we again successfully participated in the golden coin
competition for the best products from the banking and insurance
industry and this time, we took third place for our household
insurance product. This allows us to advertise publicly with
the golden coin logo.
Bank sales begin in Croatia
Together with the Raiffeisenbank Croatia our extremely rapidly
expanding company in Croatia, UNIQA osiguranje, launched
the sale over the bank counter of credit balance insurance and
a credit card package. This distribution channel now makes up
15% of UNIQA Croatias existing premium volume, contributing
more than usual to expansion.
At the beginning of the year, the Croatian company presented
a new boat insurance at the Zagreb Boat Show and the Croatia
Boat Show in Split. We were also the main sponsors of the
chamber music festival by Julian Rachlin & Friends in Dubrovnik,
for the third time. By inviting selected guests to this event, we
made our contribution to the idea – very popular in Austria –
an ArtCercle.
Successful switch-over process in Bosnia
Our company in Bosnia and Herzegovina successfully switched
to the UNIQA brand in 2006. This was achieved through advertising
on television and advertising signs in Sarajevo and other
cities. The UNIQA brand was thus successfully introduced to the
Bosnian insurance market, while at the same time emphasising
the reliable cooperation with the Raiffeisen bank group within
the framework of the preferred partnership.
With the start of bank assurance in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
the Group company brought an innovative combination product
to the market for the acquisition, financing and insurance
of real estate. The unique offer will give new impetus to the
continuously high rate of expansion of our business in Bosnia
and Herzegovina.
UNIQA Osiguranje is now the fifth-largest insurer in Bosnia and
Herzegovina. In life insurance, the company has even reached
third place.
Mannheimer Versicherung on course for success once again
In Germany, our Mannheimer insurance group was once again
on course for success in 2006. The company managed to slimdown
internal procedures and increase the number of its brokers
significantly, particularly in on location broker sales.
With its growing brand programmes, in particular, the Mannheimer
multi-risk policy for the middle-class, the company operated
with extreme success. In connection with special expertise
for target groups and underwriting and pricing by competent
local brokers, the company will further consolidate its position
in the medium-sized company segment of the market.
Additional impetus for the broker business
The extraordinarily fast-growing broker business was given additional
impetus by the opening of the new industry headquarters
in Ulm, at the beginning of 2007, as a result of access to one
of the most rapidly expanding economic regions in Germany.
The entire UNIQA Group profits from the role Mannheimer
Versicherung plays within the corporate Group as a competence
centre for target groups and brand programmes.
As a provider of specialist services and niche insurance,
Mannheimer is distinguished by its insurance of the SINFONIMA
music instruments. This includes a special and comprehensive
insurance coverage in the area of music: for musicians, orchestras,
hobby musicians and anyone who owns a musical instrument.
Private insurance programme in Liechtenstein
The Vaduz-based UNIQA Group companies are, amongst other
things, established as product pioneers in Liechtenstein with innovative
concepts for asset management and art insurance. The insurance
concept for the new generation with changed provision
needs has taken shape with the development of the private insurance
programme Liechtenstein Privileg, which offers individual
solutions for all phases of life.
The cooperation between UNIQA Liechtenstein, Finance Life, Raiffeisen Capital
Management and Raiffeisenbank Liechtenstein enabled the creation of a product
with the best of both worlds: The “tailor-made suit” for investment,
refined by the privileges of the life insurance line in Liechtenstein. In
addition, the subsidiary achieved much success amongst art lovers and private
collectors as a result of the all-risk coverage from its art insurance programme
High-quality service in Switzerland
The continued success with innovative group health insurance
in Switzerland achieved by UNIQA Assurances in Geneva is
to the high quality of service and an advisor team
selected for the consulting needs of international organisations,
embassies and missions.
The European nuclear research centre CERN remains the biggest
client with 12,000 policyholders. The Swiss Group companys
high level of service was confirmed by the renewal of its ISO
quality certification.
Synergy leads to success in Italy
The integration of our three companies in Italy under one management, which was initiated after acquiring the equity majority of Claris Vita, which was branded UNIQA Previdenza at the beginning of 2007, and accessing bank distribution via the branches of the Veneto Banca, brought the desired success. The introduction of competence and corporate centres made it possible to utilise the specialised expertise of the separate companies for the entire Italian group.
UNIQA Assicurazioni is the specialist for health insurance; UNIQA Previdenza is responsible for life insurance; while CARNICA takes care of the property and casualty insurance business. The company with the best competence in a specific area makes its specialised experience available to all Group companies in all channels of distribution, through the technical development of new products.
New accident insurance for all distribution channels
Thus the new accident insurance rate, Prospettiva Sicura, which CARNICA made ready for the market, has been sold by all agents from the three companies since November 2006. The products suitability for use in all distribution channels was already taken into consideration during the design phase.
As a special service and instrument of customer retention, UNIQA Previdenza introduced the UNIQA Aura credit card in cooperation with Veneto Banca and Findomestic. Clients in Italy can use the card to pay for purchases or insurance premiums in instalments, recharge their airtime or pay motorway tolls.
Extended financial scope for EBRD commitment
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
gives us considerable support in opening up our target markets
in Eastern Europe. Up to now, the bank has invested € 46 million
in our Group companies in Croatia, Hungary, the Czech Republic
and Poland, within the scope of its financial commitment.
We intend to increase the cooperation with the EBRD in the
current year. The EBRD will support our involvement in Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and the Ukraine over the next few years, by acquiring a minority stake of the
UNIQA companies.
In view of the exceptional growth rate of our Group, UNIQA
Versicherungen AG issued supplementary capital bonds to the
value of € 250 million as a further boost to its capital resources.
The ownership ratios and voting rights of our shareholders remained
unchanged by this measure used to finance our expansion
with supplementary capital.
Standard and Poors confirms A rating
“A” rating

This year, UNIQA once again impressed the rating agency
Standard & Poors: Once more, the international agency gave
the UNIQA Group an A rating. |
According to a recent analysis by the international rating agency
Standard & Poors, the fundamental data of the Austrian insurance
industry has strongly improved during the past few years
and is predicted to remain at a good level in the future. The
reason for this positive development lies in healthy growth rates,
the booming life insurance business in Austria and the expansion
to Eastern Europe. Despite increasing price competition in some
areas of property insurance, the results are convincing and the
outlook for this line of business is stable.
UNIQA insurance groups sound financial state was also confirmed
by Standard & Poors in 2007. The rating of the UNIQA
Group, as well as that of its core companies: UNIQA property
insurance, UNIQA personal insurance and the Zurich-based
UNIQA Re, remains consistently good at A. The outlook of the
individual companies and the Group as a whole was assessed
by the agency as STABLE.
- The UNIQA Group’s premium
volume amounted to over
€ 5 billion in 2006. About a
third of this came from the
countries outside of Austria.
- In 2006, we entered the market in Serbia and the Ukraine. When
developing our target markets, the preferred partnership with Raiffeisen
is an important component of our internationalisation strategy.
- The cooperation with the EBRD is a cornerstone of our expansion
in South-Eastern and Eastern Europe and has existed since 1998. We plan
to further intensify it in the future.