Staff and Partners
Staff with a vision
Our corporate values of quality, flexibility, togetherness,
decency and respect mark how staff deal
with each other and with partners in Austria and
abroad, as well as our overall social commitment.
A symbol of our corporate culture visible for miles around and
our distinctive profile in the insurance landscape is the UNIQA
Tower, the Group headquarters in Vienna. For behind this innovative
structure stands not only a creative architect, but also
a visionary client.
For this reason, we see the awarding of the building designed by
renowned architect Heinz Neumann with the Client Prize 2006
of the Central Association of Austrian Architects, as recognition of
our corporate concept of the insurance of a new generation. |
Award for corporate architecture
Innovative: The lighting system on the UNIQA Tower |
The jury praised the transparent and imposing appearance of
the building, which matches the image of UNIQA. It also highlighted
the fact that UNIQA will be making another mark on the
urban landscape in the coming years with the Praterstrasse 1
project by architect Jean Nouvel, to be constructed on the left
bank of the Danube opposite the centre of Vienna.
The award of the Client Prize 2006 also acknowledged our nighttime
lighting system on the tower as making an important contribution
to metropolitan life. We adjust the exterior lighting
to match current seasonal events. The illumination of the UNIQA
Tower in this form is unique anywhere in Europe.
Modern workplaces created in the region
UNIQA also offers examples of sound and functional corporate
architecture in other regions. Following the conversion of the
regional headquarter for Carinthia and East Tyrol, we concentrated
our three locations in Klagenfurt on a single space of
around 3,000 square metres. Around 145 staff moved into new
offices with a high level of flexibility, mobility and easy communication.
The regional headquarters in Innsbruck is also constructing a
new central office building for about 250 staff. The six-storey
new-build of 3,900 square metres is incorporated within a health
and social insurance centre. The project should be ready to
this year.
New headquarters for Prague subsidiary
In Prague, around 300 staff from UNIQA Czech Republic moved
into a new four-storey head office in 2006. Sixty per cent of the
architecturally and technically ultra-modern headquarters, with
a floor space of around 8,000 square metres, is thus utilised by
our Group company. It is easy to reach by public transport and
just fifteen minutes away from the airport.
The staff at UNIQA set a good example in the efforts made concerning
prevention and health care. In 2006, we initiated the
campaign series UNIQA@work in all regional headquarters,
regional service centres and in the UNIQA Tower in Vienna. These
campaigns should allow our staff to personally experience the
activities of the VitalClub.
Fitness plan for staff
The project devotes itself regularly to another important topic.
The campaign day Success through mental fitness and brainfood
was met with great interest in all parts of Austria. The
topics of VitalAging and tips on proper nutrition also met
with a high degree of acceptance. Sport and movement are at
the heart of UNIQA@work in the fight against monotony at
the workplace in 2007.
According to international studies, staff with diverse skills are
especially sought after for management positions in financial
services companies. In addition to the necessary specialist knowledge,
they must, above all, have overseas experience and knowledge
of other languages.
Career studies abroad
The mobility programme Go Ahead developed by specialists
of the UNIQA Human Resources-Service in 2004 for international
staff was, therefore, also met by a high level of acceptance in its
third year. A total of 129 staff have garnered experience through
short-term appointments abroad. These assignments opened
new professional and cultural horizons to them, improved their
language skills and strengthened their competence within our
The robust expansion of UNIQA will require many more participants
in the international exchange of experience. Therefore,
with Go Ahead Light we are offering a mobility programme reduced
by 20 to 60 working days for staff who are unable to take
on a longer stint abroad for personal or professional reasons.
These staff work for the agreed period of time in a host company
of our Group, but continue to exercise their function in
the home company. We are increasingly introducing this type
of learning to all actuarial/technical areas and service functions,
and expanding it to Sales.
Management helps management
With Go Ahead Light Mentoring we are also building on the
internal cooperation of our management staff. Under this programme,
experts from headquarters and the regions act as mentors for specific corporate areas in the subsidiaries and support
their position holders. Thus, a team leader from our central sales
organisation supports the sales organisation in Prague locally in
designing processes, while retaining his function in Austria.
The tried-and-test staff appraisal used to optimise the working
climate in the company was further improved in 2006. It offers
an annual platform on which to define structured professional
targets for the future, to estimate performance potentials together
and to clear up misunderstandings at an internal discussion
between management and staff.
Living corporate values
We gained insight into the internal corporate culture of UNIQA
by carrying out an anonymous survey of 2,925 staff and partners.
This revealed that our staff live the common corporate values
intensively in their everyday professional life. Decency and
were cited as being particularly important.
ManagerCircle in Vienna and Venice
Twice a year, the Management Board and managers come
together to discuss current aspects of corporate strategy
and to develop ways to implement them in work
This exchange lets us keep an eye on structural
conditions on the market and ask critical questions
about our strategy.
For more than 120 managers from eleven countries and all areas
of the Group, our two ManagerCircles in Vienna and Venice were
top-level meetings. They offered the opportunity to discuss the
strategic objectives of our insurance Group for the future. |
Key to the discussion were the new profit improvement programme,
sales strategies, the importance of the preferred partnership
with Raiffeisen for our internationalisation strategy and
the new principles in the reinsurance business.
Mental fitness through regular training
20,000 days of training
were arranged by UNIQA in 2006, for the ongoing development
of its staff, in order to meet the high requirements
placed on quality and competence. |
Unsurprisingly, UNIQA scores particularly well in the insurance
industry in a comparison of specialist competence and the sales
skills of our teams of experts. This success is thanks to the experts
at the UNIQA human resources service who specialise
in the promotion of human capital. In 2006, they organised
around 20,000 training days that met the familiar demands for
competence and quality.
Despite country-specific differences, we impose uniformly high
requirements on the training of staff in the international Group
companies. We have, therefore, implemented a standardised
basic training course. In this way, we are able to guarantee the
same conditions for working in our company from Poland to
Croatia. After basic training, the companies also offer specific
further training packages.
Conveying knowledge around the clock with eLearning
To help staff prepare ideally for tests, we are increasingly offering
the option to work through the training material independently,
using eLearning. We consider electronically supported learning
on the computer and the Internet as a modern opportunity
for flexible operational training. As a pioneer of eLearning, we
also operate an electronic platform that allows users to refresh
their knowledge and which acts as a reference work, available
round the clock.
Training with a future to become a FinancialAdvisor
We offer additional opportunities for a job with a future through
our training course to become a UNIQA FinancialAdvisor. This
is because a new generation of clients is demanding high-quality
solutions for insurance and pensions, as well as creative and
yield-orientated solutions for financial investments and asset
The FinancialAdvisor training programme, which is run by experts from UNIQA and the Danube University at Krems, includes
three courses. Around 120 participants have already successfully
completed the programme and thus acquired a high level of
consulting competence.
For us, investing in the enhancement of the independent insurance
broker is obvious as the insurer with the largest broker sales
in Austria. The successful cooperation with our independent business
partners is a central element of our corporate strategy.
On an international information tour with the broker academy
We manage contacts with insurance brokers in the form of the
broker academy (MAK), which is unique in Austria. With its diverse
range of seminars, it has proven itself to be an indispensable
service and first-class instrument for our broker managers
to manage relationships.
Once a year, the latest module in the seminar programme MAK
international presents interesting topics with an emphasis on
finance within the scope of a trip abroad. Last year, MAK international
led 115 business partners from Poland, the Czech
Republic and Slovakia to the East Asian growth centre of India
for the first time.
Other MAK seminars also attracted great interest. These were devoted
to specialist sessions on unit-linked life insurance or topics
such as Golf & Management and Mental Power Training.
These two to three-day compact courses noticeably improve
the impact of our broker sales.
Decentralisation of the BrokerService
In the further expansion of our international BrokerService, we
have started on the process of decentralisation in the Czech
Republic and Poland. This should reduce the concentration on
the capitals of Prague and Warsaw and simultaneously build up
staff capacities in the regions. In addition, business with large
broker customers has been encouraged in Hungary and the
Czech Republic.
The extraordinary commitment of our BrokerService was made
clear in 2006, by the international participation of 250 staff
during the International team days, which take place every
two years.
TopPartner strategy refined
Our TopPartner strategy focussed on the concentration of brokers
with large sales volumes exceeded the highest of expectations.
The introduction of automated systems led to a greater range of
cooperation. More business partners are now selling the products
of various insurance sectors. This has reduced the dependency
on individual brokers, some of whom are dominant in
specific sectors.
The TopPartner strategy was refined in 2006, through the
of a third target group. Between TopPartners and
DirectPartners, there now fall those partners who are also serviced
by broker managers, but not to the full extent of TopPartners.
As part of its TopPartner strategy, UNIQA sets decisive
standards in service quality and additional services for the
best and most important business partners, the so-called
TopPartners. We guarantee them personal support while
observing clearly defined service standards, the use of the
TopPartnerCard, with its numerous benefits, as well as the
opportunity to present themselves briefly on our sales platform.
Since not only private customers, but also brokers can enjoy
numerous benefits by opening a TopConto, we are preparing
to introduce the SuccessPartnership for small and medium-sized
companies, freelancers and farmers in the current year. Another
UNIQA innovation which will place Austrian brokers ahead of
the pack in future.
Interview with Benni Raich
Next Generation
Astrid Mangi, 17 Figure skater
At the 2006 Junior World Champion- ships, the 17-year-old Viennese surprised
everyone with her 13th place at the end of the short programme. She is
treated as one of the talents in Austrian figure skating.
Ms Mangi, were you counting
on this level of success? Ive counted on a lot, but such
a debut at my first Junior World
Championship is still hard to believe.
It was like a dream!
Figure skating is a solo discipline.
What role does teamwork play
for you?
A big role. The cooperation with my trainer Sabina Richter-Pavlasova
is very important to me. She helps me to develop my own style and find
my own expression.
Individual expression? Is this
where the key to success lies? I think it does. In fact, figure skating
thrives on the athletes personal
interpretation. You can train
your technique, but at the top of
the game, personal expression
and the individuality of the course
determine success or failure. |
Despite his success, the 28-year-old top athlete of Alpine ski racing has kept his feet on
the ground and is much admired, not only in Austria. The two-time World Champion
and two-time Olympic Champion won the Overall World Cup for the first time in 2006.
He was chosen Austrian Sportsman of the Year last year. |
2006 was your top year two gold medals in the
Olympics, Slalom World Cup, Overall World Cup…
What is the secret to your success? First you need a clear objective that you must follow consistently.
Even when you suffer setbacks along the way. You
cant let it get to you, but have to take the experience on
board and continue working consistently towards your final
goal. Naturally, success also needs talent, in order to ski at
such a high level for years on end. And, of course, you need
to love the job. Just like you do in a company. If you dont
enjoy managing a firm, you wont have any success either.
Experts say that you are cool in difficult situations,
whether youre in the lead after the first run in the
Olympic slalom or when a race is postponed.
You have to learn to adjust body and mind quickly and flexibly
to different situations. You can train for this by simulating unusual
situations and also by always trying out new things during
training. This not only gives rise to the correct physical reaction,
but you also learn to remain relaxed or cool, as they say. You
could also call it mental fitness.
UNIQAs success is primarily determined
by its staff and partners:
team play is our central
success factor. This is why we
promote cooperative activities
on an international level and
provide our staff with targeted
support through individual
training programmes. |
You are known for being a solo athlete. How important
is the concept of team to you?
Im alone on the slope. But before and after my run I need
a functioning team, a functioning environment. The team
of trainers for skiing as well as conditioning and fitness, the
physiotherapists, the doctors, my press agent. Very important,
of course, is the service engineer from the ski company.
Confidence must be 100%. In a highly developed, innovative
area such as skiing, nothing works without a team and partners!
Area management increases impact in ExclusiveSales
ExclusiveSales, which is responsible for over 10,000 brokers,
has acquired an impressive structure with area management to
support the service and to control the seventeen regions of the
Group. In coordination with the regional Management Boards,
the area managers define the strategy for the current eight international
Group companies and nine regions of Austria, and
are responsible for the annual result.
They pay particular attention to the exchange of best-practice
strategies between the regions. They develop joint measures
to safeguard and expand the customer base, draw up annual
sales and staff plans, as well as action plans. They define business,
provisioning and salary models and develop and control
quality standards.
At the beginning of 2007, the responsibilities of area management
were reallocated amongst a new total of four area managers.
This reallocation should increase the impact of ExclusiveSales
and, at the same time, underscore its considerable significance for
the yield-orientated internationalisation strategy of the Group.
ProfitCentre instead of regional management
A ProfitCentre model has also been recently implemented. Its
task is to secure our top position on the Austrian market by
strengthening regional autonomy, further expanding the external
sales organisation and giving new impulses to the growth
area of personal injury insurance.
In addition, it deals with the direct and indirect control of productivity
and quality, the ongoing decentralisation of sales-related
decisions and the relocation of customer service functions locally.
Finally, the ProfitCentre is intended to reduce the processing
stages of standardised business cases, to optimise staff functions
and to create clear communication channels between central ExclusiveSales, regional sales management and regional administration.
The simultaneous expansion of independent agency
partners secures long-term stability in coordination with the
ProfitCentre structure.
Raiffeisen Versicherung expands Management Board
The Groups own Raiffeisen Versicherung strengthened its
echelon in 2006: It made former manager of Raiffeisen
Bausparkasse, Martin Sardelic, the third member of the Management
Board of Austrias leading bank insurer on 1 October
The Raiffeisen manager should secure the high significance of
pension provision as a key element of the product range, and
above all more strongly thematise the covering of risks in daily
life, such as occupational disability, accidents during leisure time
or the loss of household goods and valuables. And he should
further improve the high quality of service provided by Raiffeisen
Versicherung to the sales partners.
The cooperation of our Raiffeisen Versicherung with the Raiffeisen
banks in Austria has developed into an ongoing success story.
Important chapters of this story have been written by Chairman
of the Board, Dr Christian Sedlnitzky. In 2006, he looked back
at the twentieth anniversary of extremely successful work for
Raiffeisen Versicherung.
Bank advisors as qualified insurance partners
Half of all life insurance in Austria is taken out through a bank
advisor. Motivated and committed Raiffeisen bankers are more
than an interface; they are the fixed link to the customer and
therefore qualified partners of a sales channel that is strategically
important to the UNIQA Group.
Bank assurance is a decisive driver of growth, especially for expansion
on international markets. Transferring the success of
bank sales in Austria to the emerging markets in Eastern Europe
remains the greatest challenge for Raiffeisen Versicherung as a
competence centre for bank sales within the Group.
In eleven countries in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, UNIQA
has already gained access to more than 10 million customers
through the cooperation with the Raiffeisen Bank group. These
customers are offered our Groups insurance and pension products
over the bank counter.
Special training for Raiffeisen bank advisors
The success of bank sales is based mostly on the quality of the
special training courses based by Raiffeisen Versicherung on the
characteristics and requirements of the respective bank staff. Bank
advisors have to pass a comprehensive basic training course on
insurance matters. To prepare for the compact introduction, socalled
eLearning courses, which teach basic sector knowledge,
have recently be added.
Around 680 participant days are currently covered by the training
and development seminars in the professional and behavioural
area. More than 1,180 days are allocated to teaching bank staff
the basic insurance training, which will become increasingly
important in the future.
Pensions symposium in London
10th international pensions symposium in London with high-level EU representation. |
For the property insurance business, comprehensive old-age pensions
remain the focus of activities of Raiffeisen Versicherung, even
after the successful opening up of the insurance business. Therefore,
the company extended an invitation to the 10th international
pensions symposium in London in May 2006, attended by highlevel
Given all the differences in the pension systems of the European
Union, the experts are decidedly of the opinion that the pension
systems must be thoroughly modernised and adjusted to shifts in
Raiffeisen Versicherung is sharpening awareness of security in
life and loss prevention with a national campaign run in newspaper advertisements, radio spots, display window posters
and campaign folders. It documents its competence by offering
tailored products such as insurance for owned homes or rented
accommodation, as well as accident and motor vehicle insurance
solutions to counter the financial risks of life.
Successful womens programme: Womanlife
 | |
The product and advice programme Womanlife, created by
Raiffeisen Versicherung for women, has exceeded all expectations.
Under this special programme, women also receive
benefits in accident insurance: By being placed in
a cheaper risk class, premiums for women young and old fall
by up to 40%.
The Circle Womanlife initiative launched for the exchange of
information amongst female Raiffeisen bankers has developed
with great promise. The first national meet took place in the
Wachau in October. The number of Raiffeisen bankers belonging
to the circle has already passed the 1,000 mark. The Internet
platform, with tips and suggestions on special WomanLife events,
arguments for consultancy and expert tips, is also well used.
- For three years, the international
mobility programme
Go Ahead has been an
essential part of the training
and development programme
at the UNIQA Group.
- With the TopPartner strategy
in BrokerService and the
new area management in
ExclusiveSales, we set new
standards in these sales
in 2006.
- Raiffeisen Versicherungs 10th
international pensions symposium
was held in London
in 2006.