Measures to promote women on the Management Board and the Supervisory Board and in senior executive positions

Companies with considerable diversity in their management teams are more successful. Different nationalities and cultures and a mixture of women and men have a positive impact on cooperation at a management level.

UNIQA employs people from more than 30 nations at its headquarters in Vienna. UNIQA has developed into an international company that understands the needs of its employees and customers in the different countries it serves.

In 2013, the proportion of women on the Management Board and in senior executive positions throughout the Group improved slightly by one percentage point to 18 per cent. The figure for the international area remained at 25 per cent. Despite this moderate improvement, UNIQA needs and intends to improve further.

The ability to combine a career with family life, and the topic of childcare in particular, is a key factor in achieving this. For parents who work – and mothers in particular – good childcare is a basic requirement for a successful professional life. However, finding the right solution is not always easy. It requires great flexibility and is extremely time-consuming.

Accordingly, UNIQA works together with an external partner (KibisCare), which provides a comprehensive childcare service that makes parents’ lives easier and supports them in mastering the balancing act between work and family on a day-to-day basis.

UNIQA is also committed to the principles of flexible working hours and teleworking. In 2013, 12 per cent of employees in Austria took the option of working part-time, while 8 per cent used teleworking.

In the area of management development, UNIQA is of the opinion that female-only development measures are considerably less promising than joint development measures for women and men alike. This makes cooperation more natural and easier to implement in day-to-day work.

When it comes to recruitment, UNIQA gives priority to female candidates where the candidates have the same qualifications.

© UNIQA Group 2014