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Development of Group Equity


Development of Group Equity

Situation as at 31 Dec. 2004
Changes for:
Foreign currency translation
Change in consolidation scope
Unrealised capital gains and losses from evaluation at equity
Dividends to shareholders
Own shares
Unrealised capital gains and losses from investments
Net profit for the period
Changes in revenue reserves
Changes in capital reserves
Situation as at 31 Dec. 2005
Changes for:
Foreign currency translation
Change in consolidation scope
Unrealised capital gains and losses from evaluation at equity
Dividends to shareholders
Own shares
Unrealised capital gains and losses from investments
Net profit for the period
Changes in revenue reserves
Changes in capital reserves
Situation as at 31 Dec. 2006
€ 000 € 000 € 000 € 000 € 000 € 000 € 000 € 000
206,305 77,211 440,206 -67,016 26,373 683,080 177,081 860,161
3,815 3,815 3,815
1,187 1,187 4,990 6,177
3,247 3,247 3,247
-24,620 -24,620 -8,110 -32,731
53,806 64,454 118,261 118,261
39,222 39,222 3,683 42,905
107,760 107,760 25,581 133,342
77,546 -77,546
-858 -646 -1,503 -1,503
206,305 116,433 578,950 -2,561 31,321 930,449 203,226 1,133,674
4,962 4,962 4,962
4,975 4,975
-31,051 -31,051 -9,848 -40,899
65,549 65,549 -14,218 51,331
151,900 151,900 23,165 175,065
109,661 -109,661
1,149 -473 676 676
206,305 181,982 694,722 -2,561 42,037 1,122,485 207,299 1,329,784