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Cash Flow Statement


Cash Flow Statement for the 2006 business year

Net profit including minority interests
Net profit 175,065 133,342
of which interest and dividend payments 54,651 41,593
Minority interests -23,165 -25,581
Change in technical provisions 1,372,731 1,825,129
Change in deferred acquisition costs -55,965 -49,026
Change in amounts receivable and payable >from direct insurance 53,830 28,798
Change in other amounts receivable and payable 121,029 154,983
Change in securities at fair value through profit or loss -184,484 -884,970
Realised gains/losses on the disposal of investments -468,225 -677,288
Depreciation/appreciation of other investments 211,661 -44,891
Change in provisions for pension and severance payments 19,291 56,404
Change in deferred tax assets/liabilities 13,542 10,620
Change in other balance sheet items -5,714 -832
Change in goodwill and intangible assets 1,737 -9,272
Other non-cash income and expenses as well as accounting period adjustments 5,638 6,710
Net cash flow from operating activities 1,236,972 524,126
of which cash flow from income tax -115,688 -25,465
Receipts due to disposal of consolidated companies and other business units 59,807 6,088
Payments due to acquisition of consolidated companies and other business units -159,821 -69,486
Receipts due to disposal and maturity of other investments 9,488,763 6,116,234
Payments due to acquisition of other investments -10,208,539 -6,425,148
Change in investments held on account and at risk of life insurance policyholders -460,656 -427,361
Net cash flow used in investing activities -1,280,446 -799,673
Change in investments on own shares 0 118,261
Dividend payments -31,051 -24,620
Receipts and payments from other financing activities 131,794 10,739
Net cash flow used in financing activities 100,743 104,379
Change in cash and cash equivalents 57,268 -171,168
Change in cash and cash equivalents due to foreign currency translation 911 342
Change in cash and cash equivalents due to acquisition/disposal of consolidated companies 12,961 7,495
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 192,024 355,354
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 263,164 192,024
of which cash flow from income tax -115,688 -25,465

The cash and cash equivalents correspond to item L. of the assets: Liquid funds.