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Path: HomeGroup Financial StatementsBalance Sheet
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Balance Sheet


Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2006

A. Tangible assets
I. Self-used land and buildings 1 233,997 236,388
II. Other tangible assets 2 111,113 135,299
345,110 371,686
B. Land and buildings held as financial investments 3 927,456 856,351
C. Intangible assets
I. Deferred acquisition costs 4 863,430 807,297
II. Goodwill 5 253,064 223,418
III. Other intangible assets 6 47,167 49,029
1,163,661 1,079,744
D. Shares in associated companies 7 371,998 219,469
E. Investments
I. Variable-yield securities
1. Available for sale 8 3,462,337 3,080,919
2. At fair value through profit or loss 1,025,332 881,383
4,487,668 3,962,302
II. Fixed interest securities
1. Held to maturity 0 0
2. Available for sale 8 10,634,769 9,926,273
3. At fair value through profit or loss 508,599 515,629
11,143,369 10,441,902
III. Loans and other investments
1. Loans 10 1,034,044 1,157,424
2. Cash at credit institutions 11 802,106 855,233
3. Deposits with ceding companies 11 105,678 97,627
1,941,827 2,110,285
IV. Derivative financial instruments
1. Variable-yield derivatives 9 41,144 6,168
2. Fixed interest derivatives 9 54,826 42,236
95,970 48,405
17,668,834 16,562,894
F. Investments held on account and at risk of life insurance policyholders 23 1,952,897 1,492,241
G. Share of reinsurance in technical provisions
I. Provision for unearned premiums 18 31,031 29,291
II. Actuarial provision 19 384,279 370,004
III. Provision for outstanding claims 20 322,567 333,946
IV. Provision for profit-unrelated premium refunds 21 315 1,752
V. Provision for profit-related premium refunds, i.e. policyholder profit sharing 21 100 100
VI. Other technical provisions 2,656 2,577
22 740,947 737,670
H. Share of reinsurance in technical provisions for life insurance policies where the
investment risk is borne by policyholders
23 305,580 255,704
I. Receivables including receivables under insurance business 12
I. Reinsurance receivables 36,298 56,849
II. Other receivables 634,784 604,813
III. Other assets 37,150 36,959
708,233 698,621
J. Receivables from income tax 13 54,249 28,792
K. Deferred tax assets 14 85,000 73,197
L. Liquid funds 263,164 192,024
Total assets 24,587,131 22,568,392

A. Total equity
I. Shareholders’ equity 15
1. Subscribed capital and capital reserves 206,305 206,305
2. Revenue reserves 692,161 576,389
3. Revaluation reserves 181,982 116,433
4. Group total profit 42,037 31,321
1,122,485 930,449
II. Minority interests in shareholders‘ equity 16 207,299 203,226
1,329,784 1,133,674
B. Subordinated liabilities 17 475,000 325,000
C. Technical provisions
I. Provision for unearned premiums 18 389,987 351,896
II. Actuarial provision 19 14,942,474 13,970,159
III. Provision for outstanding claims 20 2,022,881 1,939,806
IV. Provision for profit-unrelated premium refunds 21 48,027 43,518
V. Provision for profit-related premium refunds, i.e. policyholder profit sharing 21 752,647 863,618
VI. Other technical provisions 43,461 40,381
22 18,199,478 17,209,378
D. Technical provisions for life insurance policies held on account and at risk of policyholders 23 1,911,516 1,457,644
E. Financial liabilities
I. Liabilities from loans 24 193,526 211,731
II. Derivatives 9 1,209 37,029
194,734 248,760
F. Other provisions
I. Pensions and similar provisions 25 542,418 523,127
II. Other provisions 26 179,900 175,830
722,319 698,957
G. Payables and other liabilities 27
I. Reinsurance liabilities 724,329 689,251
II. Other payables 655,096 429,998
III. Other liabilities 8,232 11,539
1,387,657 1,130,787
H. Liabilities from income tax 28 66,754 95,361
I. Deferred tax liabilities 29 299,889 268,831
Total equity and liabilities 24,587,131 22,568,392