| | Notes 10 - 2010 | Loans
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000 |
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000 |
1. Loans to affiliated companies |
80 |
119 |
2. Loans to participating interests |
792 |
792 |
3. Mortgage loans |
178,956 |
172,604 |
4. Loans and advance payments on policies |
15,400 |
15,472 |
5. Other loans |
613,566 |
789,545 |
6. Registered bonds |
225,248 |
178,891 |
Total |
1,034,044 |
1,157,424 |
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000 |
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000 |
Infinite |
2,184 |
1,855 |
Up to 1 year |
204,544 |
284,636 |
Of more than 1 year up to 5 years |
188,968 |
287,506 |
Of more than 5 years up to 10 years |
431,477 |
389,711 |
More than 10 years |
206,870 |
193,716 |
Total |
1,034,044 |
1,157,424 |
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000 |
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000 |
1. Loans to affiliated companies |
80 |
119 |
2. Loans to participating interests |
792 |
792 |
3. Mortgage loans |
178,956 |
172,604 |
4. Loans and advance payments on policies |
15,400 |
15,472 |
5. Other loans |
617,068 |
808,175 |
6. Registered bonds |
225,248 |
178,891 |
Total |
1,037,546 |
1,176,054 |
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000 |
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000 |
Infinite |
2,184 |
1,855 |
Up to 1 year |
204,585 |
286,666 |
Of more than 1 year up to 5 years |
189,401 |
295,334 |
Of more than 5 years up to 10 years |
434,505 |
398,439 |
More than 10 years |
206,870 |
193,759 |
Total |
1,037,546 |
1,176,054 |
11 | Other investments
Other investments included: |
Deposits with credit institutions |
802,106 |
855,233 |
Deposits with ceding companies |
105,678 |
97,627 |
Total |
907,783 |
952,861 |
12 | Receivables incl. receivables under insurance business
I. |
Reinsurance receivables |
1. Accounts receivable under reinsurance operations |
36,298 |
56,849 |
36,298 |
56,849 |
II. |
Other receivables |
Receivables under the insurance business |
1. from policyholders |
202,790 |
180,587 |
2. from intermediaries |
62,817 |
66,854 |
3. from insurance companies |
8,310 |
11,533 |
273,917 |
258,974 |
Other receivables |
Accrued interest and rent |
221,679 |
208,082 |
Other tax refund claims |
28,648 |
44,698 |
Receivables due from employees |
3,709 |
4,236 |
Other receivables |
106,832 |
88,822 |
360,867 |
345,839 |
Total other receivables |
634,784 |
604,813 |
Subtotal |
671,083 |
661,662 |
Of which receivables with a remaining term of |
up to 1 year |
657,315 |
635,946 |
more than 1 year |
13,767 |
25,717 |
671,083 |
661,662 |
II. |
Other assets |
Accruals |
37,150 |
36,959 |
37,150 |
36,959 |
Total receivables incl. receivables under insurance business |
708,233 |
698,621 |
13 | Receivables from income tax
Receivables from income tax |
54,249 |
28,792 |
of which receivables with a remaining term of |
up to 1 year |
40,954 |
28,642 |
more than 1 year |
13,295 |
150 |
14 | Deferred tax assets
Actuarial items |
8,762 |
6,991 |
Social capital |
54,585 |
53,026 |
Investments |
2,583 |
0 |
Loss carried forward |
5,052 |
5,520 |
Other |
14,019 |
7,659 |
Total |
85,000 |
73,197 |
15 | Subscribed capital
Number of authorised and issued |
no-par shares |
119,777,808 |
119,777,808 |
of which fully paid up |
119,777,808 |
119,777,808 |
The subscribed capital and capital reserves correspond to values
>from the individual financial statements of UNIQA Versicherungen
The following shareholders hold shares greater than 10%: |
Austria Versicherungsverein |
Beteiligungs-Verwaltungs GmbH |
35.24 % |
BL Syndikat Beteiligungs Gesellschaft m.b.H. |
31.95 % |
Unrealised capital gains and losses from the revaluation of investments
available for sale affected the revaluation reserve, with
deferred participation in profits (for life insurance) and deferred
taxes taken into consideration.
In addition to the subscribed capital, UNIQA Versicherungen
AG has at its disposal an authorised capital in the amount of
€ 50 million. The Annual General Meeting of 23 May 2005,
extended the authorisation of the Management Board of
UNIQA Versicherungen AG to increase the share capital, with
the approval
of the Supervisory Board, up to and including
30 June 2010.
In addition, the Management Board was authorised in the first,
second and fourth Annual General Meetings to buy own shares
in accordance with Section 65 paragraph 1 number 8 and paragraph
1a of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act, upon approval
by the Supervisory Board. On 28 April 2004, the UNIQA
Versicherungen AG Management Board decided to resell shares
which had previously been bought back. This decision was
by the Supervisory Board on 29 April 2004, and the
share buy-back programme was suspended as the resale programme
came into effect on 6 May 2004.
At the reporting date, own shares are accounted for as follows:
Shares held by: |
UNIQA Versicherungen
AG |
Acquisition costs in € 000 |
2,561 |
2,561 |
Number of shares |
350,000 |
350,000 |
Share of subscribed capital in % |
0.29 |
0.29 |
In the performance figure earnings per share, the Group net
profit is set against the average number of ordinary shares in
Group net profit (in € 000) |
151,900 |
107,760 |
Of which accounts for ordinary shares (in € 000) |
151,900 |
107,760 |
Own shares as at 31 Dec. 2006 |
350,000 |
350,000 |
Average number of shares in circulation |
119,427,808 |
114,612,683 |
Profit per share (in €)* |
1.27 |
0.94 |
Profit before taxes per share (in €)* |
1.80 |
1.44 |
Profit per share*, adjusted for goodwill amortisation |
1.34 |
1.04 |
Earnings from ordinary activities per share, adjusted for goodwill amortisation |
2.07 |
1.76 |
Dividend per share |
0.35** |
0.26 |
The diluted result per share is equal to the undiluted result per
share in the reporting year and in the previous year.
Effective tax |
0 |
Deferred tax |
14,837 |
Total |
14,837 |
16 | Minority interests
In revaluation reserve |
3,134 |
17,352 |
In net income for the year |
23,165 |
25,581 |
In other equity |
181,000 |
160,292 |
Total |
207,299 |
203,226 |
17 | Subordinated liabilities
Supplementary capital |
475,000 |
325,000 |
In December 2002, Raiffeisen Versicherung AG, and in July 2003,
UNIQA Versicherungen AG, UNIQA Personenversicherung AG
and UNIQA Sachversicherung AG, issued partial debentures with
a nominal value of €325 million for paid-up supplementary
capital, according to Section 73 c paragraph 2 of the Austrian
Insurance Supervisory Act. The partial debentures are valid for
an unlimited time period. An ordinary or extraordinary notice
of redemption to the issuer is not possible for at least five years.
Subject to coverage in the annual net profit before the issuers
movements in reserves, the interest to July 2013 will be 5.36%,
except in the case of Raiffeisen Versicherung AG, where the
interest to December 2012 will be 5.7%, plus a bonus interest
payment of between 0.2% and 0.4% depending on sales profitability, and the increase in premiums in comparison to
the whole market.
In December 2006, UNIQA Versicherungen AG issued bearer
debentures with a face value of €150 million for deposited
supplementary capital, according to article 73 c paragraph 2
of the Austrian Insurance Supervisory Act. According to the conditions
of the bearer debentures, the deposited capital of UNIQA
Versicherungen AG is agreed to remain at the companys disposal
for at least five years, with no ordinary or extraordinary
cancellation possible. Interest is applied only insofar as this is
covered in the net profit for the year of the issuer. The interest
rate up to December 2016 is 5.079%. 18 | Unearned premiums
Property and casualty insurance |
Gross |
374,948 |
337,908 |
Reinsurers’ share |
30,951 |
29,222 |
343,997 |
308,686 |
Health insurance |
Gross |
15,039 |
13,987 |
Reinsurers’ share |
80 |
69 |
14,959 |
13,918 |
Consolidated financial statements |
Gross |
389,987 |
351,896 |
Reinsurers’ share |
31,031 |
29,291 |
Total (fully consolidated values) |
358,956 |
322,605 |
19 | Actuarial provision
Property and casualty insurance |
Gross |
44,800 |
53,093 |
Reinsurers’ share |
251 |
2,861 |
44,550 |
50,231 |
Life insurance |
Gross |
12,923,203 |
12,075,698 |
Reinsurers’ share |
382,186 |
365,167 |
12,541,017 |
11,710,531 |
Health insurance |
Gross |
1,974,470 |
1,841,369 |
Reinsurers’ share |
1,842 |
1,976 |
1,972,628 |
1,839,393 |
Consolidated financial statements |
Gross |
14,942,474 |
13,970,159 |
Reinsurers’ share |
384,279 |
370,004 |
Total (fully consolidated values) |
14,558,195 |
13,600,156 |
The interest rates used as an accounting basis were as follows:
2006 |
For actuarial provision |
1.754.00 |
4.50 bzw, 5.50 |
For deferred acquisition costs |
4.80 |
4.50 bzw, 5.50 |
2005 |
For actuarial provision |
2.254.00 |
4.50 bzw, 5.50 |
For deferred acquisition costs |
4.504.80 |
4.50 bzw, 5.50 |
20 | Provision for outstanding claims
Property and casualty insurance |
Gross |
1,770,641 |
1,694,155 |
Reinsurers share |
312,033 |
323,220 |
1,458,607 |
1,370,935 |
Life insurance |
Gross |
100,756 |
91,607 |
Reinsurers share |
9,775 |
10,693 |
90,982 |
80,914 |
Health insurance |
Gross |
151,484 |
154,043 |
Reinsurers share |
759 |
33 |
150,725 |
154,010 |
Consolidated financial statements |
Gross |
2,022,881 |
1,939,806 |
Reinsurers share |
322,567 |
333,946 |
Total (fully consolidated values) |
1,700,314 |
1,605,860 |
The provision for outstanding claims (provisions for outstanding
claims) developed in the property and casualty insurance
as follows:
1. |
Provisions for outstanding claims as at 1 Jan. |
a. Gross |
1,694,155 |
1,583,949 |
b. Reinsurers share |
323,220 |
320,031 |
c. Retention |
1,370,935 |
1,263,918 |
2. |
Plus (retained) claims expenditures |
a. Losses of the current year |
1,199,829 |
1,104,873 |
b. Losses of the previous year |
147,719 |
129,005 |
c. Total |
1,052,110 |
975,867 |
3. |
Less (retained) losses paid |
a. Losses of the current year |
598,972 |
542,058 |
b. Losses of the previous year |
385,554 |
331,431 |
c. Total |
984,527 |
873,489 |
4. |
Foreign currency translation |
5,280 |
3,733 |
5. |
Change in consolidation scope |
14,808 |
1,401 |
6. |
Other changes |
0 |
495 |
7. |
Provisions for outstanding claims as at 31 Dec. |
a. Gross |
1,770,641 |
1,694,155 |
b. Reinsurers share |
312,033 |
323,220 |
c. Retention |
1,458,607 |
1,370,935 |
Financial year |
484,734 |
573,623 |
541,069 |
534,560 |
580,829 |
618,734 |
One year later |
758,469 |
905,224 |
829,750 |
834,530 |
895,217 |
Two years later |
826,713 |
973,469 |
892,547 |
908,373 |
Three years later |
854,016 |
1,003,317 |
921,149 |
Four years later |
874,247 |
1,018,105 |
Five years later |
884,304 |
Accumulated payments |
884,304 |
1,018,105 |
921,149 |
908,373 |
895,217 |
618,734 |
Estimated final claims payments |
933,181 |
1,065,557 |
1,007,919 |
1,040,556 |
1,126,831 |
1,201,690 |
Current balance sheet reserve |
48,877 |
47,452 |
86,770 |
132,183 |
231,614 |
582,957 |
1,129,852 |
Balance sheet reserve for the claims years 2000 and before: |
349,448 |
1,479,300 |
Plus other reserve components (internal claims regulation costs, etc.) |
291,341 |
Provisions for outstanding claims (gross) as at 31 Dec. 2006 |
1,770,641 |
| |  |