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Income Statement


Income Statement for the 2006 business year

1. Premiums written (retained) 30
a) Gross 4,532,137 4,370,165
b) Reinsurers’ share -372,366 -354,410
4,159,771 4,015,755
2. Change due to premiums earned (retained)
a) Gross -31,152 -15,824
b) Reinsurers’ share 1,048 498
-30,104 -15,326
3. Premiums earned (retained) 31
a) Gross 4,500,985 4,354,341
b) Reinsurers’ share -371,318 -353,912
4,129,666 4,000,429
4. Income from fees and provisions 32
Reinsurance provisions and profit shares from reinsurance business ceded 80,865 66,744
5. Net investment income 33 890,342 989,470
of which profit from associated companies 38 45,017 12,871
6. Other income 34 41,884 36,566
Total income 5,142,757 5,093,209
7. Insurance benefits (net) 35
a) Gross -3,938,925 -4,005,588
b) Reinsurers’ share 223,290 228,685
-3,715,635 -3,776,903
8. Operating expenses 36
a) Acquisition costs -708,444 -645,811
b) Other operating expenses -339,361 -348,651
-1,047,805 -994,461
9. Other expenses 37 -107,024 -93,230
10. Amortisation of goodwill -8,448 -11,732
Total expenses -4,878,912 -4,876,326
11. Operating profit 263,845 216,883
12. Financing costs -25,359 -26,550
13. Profit on ordinary activities 238,487 190,332
14. Income taxes 39 -63,422 -56,991
15. Net profit 175,065 133,342
of which consolidated profit 151,900 107,760
of which minority interests 23,165 25,581