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Notes to the consolidated income statement

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30 | Premiums written

1. Property and casualty insurance 1,996,674 1,876,302
2. Life insurance 1,577,346 1,568,783
3. Health insurance 888,902 843,023
Total (fully consolidated values) 4,462,923 4,288,108
Of which written in:
1. Austria 3,071,160 3,057,892
2. Other member states of the EU and other signatory states of the
Treaty on the European Economic Area
1,280,195 1,170,770
3. Other countries 111,568 59,446
Total (fully consolidated values) 4,462,923 4,288,108

1. Property and casualty insurance 40,473 57,276
2. Life insurance 27,844 22,410
3. Health insurance 898 2,371
Total (fully consolidated values) 69,214 82,057

Total (fully consolidated values) 4,532,137 4,370,165

Direct business
Fire and business interruption insurance 166,131 160,802
Household insurance 157,768 151,163
Other property insurance 188,244 175,925
Motor TPL insurance 511,755 471,553
Other motor insurance 335,076 311,577
Casualty insurance 224,076 210,439
Liability insurance 210,712 198,175
Legal expenses insurance 44,663 40,353
Marine, aviation and transport insurance 100,525 103,790
Other insurance 57,725 52,526
Total 1,996,674 1,876,302
Indirect business
Marine, aviation and transport insurance 2,529 3,272
Other insurance 37,943 54,004
Total 40,473 57,276
Total direct and indirect business (fully consolidated values) 2,037,147 1,933,578

1. Property and casualty insurance 293,678 285,929
2. Life insurance 77,603 67,642
3. Health insurance 1,085 839
Total (fully consolidated values) 372,366 354,410

31 | Premiums earned (retained)

1. Property and casualty insurance 1,715,604 1,627,706
Gross 2,008,241 1,912,925
Reinsurers’ share -292,637 -285,220
2. Life insurance 1,527,391 1,523,309
Gross 1,604,998 1,591,095
Reinsurers’ share -77,607 -67,786
3. Health insurance 886,672 849,415
Gross 887,746 850,321
Reinsurers’ share -1,074 -906
Total (fully consolidated values) 4,129,666 4,000,429

Posted immediately 10,836 17,197
Posted after up to one year 30,318 40,129
Property and casualty insurance 41,155 57,326
Posted immediately 5,452 599
Posted after up to one year 22,339 22,115
Posted after more than one year 53 -304
Life insurance 27,844 22,410
Posted immediately 495 717
Posted after up to one year 403 1,653
Health insurance 898 2,371
Total (fully consolidated values) 69,896 82,107

Property and casualty insurance 11,985 18,295
Life insurance 866 2,185
Health insurance -137 -448
Total (fully consolidated values) 12,714 20,032

32 | Income from fees and provisions

Reinsurance commission and profit shares from reinsurance business ceded 80,865 66,744
Property and casualty insurance 59,539 55,851
Life insurance 21,203 10,818
Health insurance 122 74
Total (fully consolidated values) 80,865 66,744

33 | Net investment income1)

I. Properties held as financial investments
II. Variable-yield securities
1. Available for sale
2. Reported in the income statement
III. Fixed interest securities
1. Held to maturity
2. Available for sale
3. Reported in the income statement
IV. Loans and other investments
1. Loans
2. Other investments
V. Derivative financial instruments
VI. Expenditures for asset management,
expenditures and other
Total (fully consolidated values)
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
2,757 6,201 3,370 3,994 8,726 6,215 14,852 16,410
69,131 65,698 302,237 403,428 53,930 35,518 425,298 504,643
63,100 57,054 257,310 312,335 47,015 29,452 367,425 398,841
6,031 8,644 44,927 91,093 6,915 6,065 57,873 105,802
33,156 69,069 209,024 490,996 28,231 61,196 270,411 621,260
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32,284 68,220 188,906 448,792 25,663 57,751 246,853 574,762
872 849 20,118 42,204 2,568 3,445 23,559 46,498
13,877 22,111 27,735 41,080 20,244 18,479 61,856 81,670
13,107 17,869 14,835 24,242 16,074 17,092 44,017 59,203
770 4,242 12,900 16,838 4,169 1,387 17,839 22,467
8,753 -22,314 80,599 -189,873 6,882 -16,950 96,233 -229,137

-8,490 -7,160 -7,281 -3,717 -2,475 -23,326 -18,247
115,226 132,274 615,804 742,343 114,294 101,982 845,325 976,600
1) The total income (net) from investments is shown here without the earnings from associated companies.

I. Properties held as financial investments
II. Variable-yield securities
1. Available for sale
2. Reported in the income statement
III. Fixed interest securities
1. Held to maturity
2. Available for sale
3. Reported in the income statement
IV. Loans and other investments
1. Loans
2. Other investments
V. Derivative financial instruments
VI. Expenditures for asset
management, interest
expenditures and other
Total (fully consolidated values)
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
43,985 40,457 0 0 8,820 797 -36,630 -24,754 -1,323 -91 14,852 16,410
122,585 79,418 661 28,365 303,447 299,491 -53,011 -4,466 -6,257 -3,967 367,425 398,841
30,522 42,629 43,739 55,833 29,644 19,865 -35,797 -1,406 -10,235 -11,119 57,873 105,802
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
410,441 368,117 1,553 59,225 42,017 175,238 -159,091 -21,501 -48,068 -6,317 246,853 574,762
29,627 40,159 589 3,567 1,840 9,637 -7,638 -4,939 -860 -1,927 23,559 46,498
49,901 59,716 2,399 2,582 0 3,329 -8,283 -6,420 0 -5 44,017 59,203
17,839 22,467 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,839 22,467
-26,327 -9,255 65,361 37,880 139,993 55,377 -22,420 -82,912 -60,373 -230,226 96,233 -229,137

-18,247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -23,326 -18,247
655,247 625,462 114,302 187,452 525,761 563,734 -322,869 -146,397 -127,116 -253,651 845,325 976,600

€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
€ 000
I. Properties held as financial investments -36,630 -24,754 -25,179 -24,754 -11,451 0
II. Variable-yield securities
1. Available for sale -53,011 -4,466 -20,480 3,607 -32,530 -8,073
2. Reported in the income statement -35,797 -1,406 -35,797 -1,406 0 0
III. Fixed interest securities
1. Held to maturity 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Available for sale -159,091 -21,501 -67,937 -65 -91,154 -21,436
3. Reported in the income statement -7,638 -4,939 -7,638 -4,939 0 0
IV. Loans and other investments
1. Loans -8,283 -6,420 -8,283 -6,420 0 0
2. Other investments 0 0 0 0 0 0
V. Derivative financial instruments -22,420 -82,912 -22,420 -82,912 0 0
VI. Expenditures for asset management, interest
expenditures and other
0 0 0 0 0 0
Total (fully consolidated values) -322,869 -146,397 -187,733 -116,888 -135,136 -29,509

34 | Other income

a) Other actuarial income 18,771 12,616
Property and casualty insurance 15,538 9,816
Life insurance 2,558 2,521
Health insurance 675 280
b) Other non-actuarial income 19,534 18,054
Property and casualty insurance 14,443 13,781
Life insurance 4,435 3,344
Health insurance 655 929
Of which
Services rendered 7,312 5,028
Changes in exchange rates 3,629 2,148
Other 8,593 10,878
c) Other income 3,579 5,896
From foreign currency conversion 2,967 1,377
From other 612 4,519
Total (fully consolidated values) 41,884 36,566

35 | Insurance benefits

Property and casualty insurance
Expenditure for claims
Claims paid
Change in provision for
outstanding claims
Change in actuarial provision
Change in other actuarial provisions
Expenditure for profit-unrelated and
profit-related premium refunds
Total amount of benefits
Life insurance
Expenditure for claims
Claims paid
Change in provision for
outstanding claims
Change in actuarial provision
Change in other actuarial provisions
Expenditure for profit-unrelated and
profit-related premium refunds and/or
(deferred) profit participation
Total amount of benefits
Health insurance
Expenditure for claims
Claims paid
Change in provision for outstanding claims
Change in actuarial provision
Change in other actuarial provisions
Expenditure for profit-unrelated and
profit-related premium refunds
Total amount of benefits
Total (fully consolidated values)

€ 000

€ 000

€ 000

€ 000
€ 000

€ 000
1,204,312 -150,890 1,053,422 1,141,388 -170,547 970,841

-4,053 56,746 101,980 7,341 109,321
1,265,112 -154,943 1,110,169 1,243,368 -163,206 1,080,162
-1,723 -4,157 -5,880 -1,429 -1,052 -2,481
-491 -1 -492 1,568 501 2,069

1,328 26,262 27,192 -818 26,373
1,287,832 -157,773 1,130,059 1,270,699 -164,576 1,106,123
975,275 -48,192 927,083 821,923 -46,189 775,733

3,997 9,804 -5,785 1,100 -4,685
981,082 -44,195 936,887 816,138 -45,089 771,049
638,341 -20,207 618,134 901,734 -18,313 883,421
-2,418 0 -2,418 706 0 706

95 227,180 242,544 0 242,544
1,844,089 -64,307 1,779,782 1,961,122 -63,402 1,897,720
649,390 -616 648,774 622,163 -262 621,901
-2,474 -726 -3,199 11,518 -32 11,486
646,917 -1,342 645,575 633,681 -295 633,387
132,727 133 132,861 104,267 -409 103,858
9 0 9 40 0 40

-2 27,350 35,779 -4 35,775
807,004 -1,210 805,794 773,767 -707 773,060
3,938,925 -223,290 3,715,635 4,005,588 -228,685 3,776,903

36 | Operating expenses

Property and casualty insurance
a) Acquisition costs
Payments 424,170 406,901
Change in deferred acquisition costs -12,342 -7,235
b) Other operating expenses 216,582 208,949
628,410 608,615
Life insurance
a) Acquisition costs
Payments 252,282 207,848
Change in deferred acquisition costs -42,576 -40,041
b) Other operating expenses 72,902 87,105
282,608 254,912
Health insurance
a) Acquisition costs
Payments 86,845 79,316
Change in deferred acquisition costs 64 -979
b) Other operating expenses 49,878 52,597
136,787 130,934
Total (fully consolidated values) 1,047,805 994,461

37 | Other expenses

a) Other actuarial expenses 74,391 67,060
Property and casualty insurance 33,129 21,825
Life insurance 36,161 38,731
Health insurance 5,101 6,503
b) Other non-actuarial expenses 27,009 25,813
Property and casualty insurance 23,513 24,086
Life insurance 2,931 1,282
Health insurance 565 445
Of which
Services rendered 2,155 1,759
Exchange rate losses 8,821 7,852
Motor vehicle registration 6,404 3,711
Other 9,629 12,491
c) Other expenses 5,623 357
For foreign currency translation 304 357
For other 5,320 0
Total (fully consolidated values) 107,024 93,230

38 | Profit from associated companies

€ 000
€ 000
Income from associated companies 45,017 12,871
Shares in associated companies 2006
€ 000
€ 000
Ordinary income 45,017 18,358
Write-ups and unrealised capital gains 0 0
Realised capital gains 0 0
Depreciation/amortisation and unrealised capital losses 0 -5,488
Realised capital losses 0 0
Consolidated financial statements 45,017 12,871

39 | Tax expenditure

Actual tax in reporting year 52,218 41,255
Actual tax in previous year 9,086 15,713
Deferred tax 2,117 22
Total (fully consolidated values) 63,422 56,991

A. Profit from ordinary activities 238,487 190,332
B. Anticipated tax expenditure (A * Group tax rate), 59,607 46,913
Adjusted by tax effects from
1) Tax-free investment income -10,943 -4,665
2) Other 14,757 14,742
Amortisation of goodwill 91 2,794
Non-deductible expenses / other tax-exempt income 1,406 2,215
Changes / deviations in tax rates 9,412 4,981
Lapse of loss carried forward and other 3,849 4,752
C. Income tax expenditure 63,422 56,991
Average effective tax burden in % 26.6 29.9

The basic applicable corporate income tax rate for all segments was 25%. For life insurance, to the extent that the minimum taxation is applied, in the case of an assumed profit participation of 85%, this leads to a different corporate tax rate.

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