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Path: HomeGroup Financial StatementsNotesSupplementary information on the balance sheetDevelopment of asset items
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Development of asset items


Development of asset items

A. Tangible assets
I. Self-used land and buildings
II. Other tangible assets
1. Tangible assets
2. Inventories
3. Other assets
Total A. II.
Total A.
B. Land and buildings held as financial investments
C. Intangible assets
I. Deferred acquisition costs
II. Goodwill
1. Positive goodwill
2. Value of insurance policies
Total C. II.
III. Other intangible assets
1. Self-produced software
2. Acquired intangible assets
Total C. III.
Total C.
D. Shares in associated companies
E. Investments
I. Variable-yield interest securities
1. Shares, investment shares and other variableyield
securities, including holdings and shares in
associated companies
2. At fair value through profit or loss
Total E. I.
II. Fixed interest securities
1. Debt securities and other
fixed interest securities
2. At fair value through profit or loss
Total E. II.
III. Loans and other investments
1. Loans
a) Debt securities issued by and loans to
associated companies
b) Debt securities issued by and loans to
participating interests
c) Mortgage loans
d) Loans and advance payments on policies
e) Other loan receivables and
registered bonds
Total E. III. 1.
2. Cash at credit institutions
3. Deposits with ceding
Total E. III.
IV. Derivatives
Total E.
F. Investments held on account and at risk of
life insurance policyholders
Aggregate total
236,388 1,090 18,380 0 0 -9,654 4,973 0 7,233 233,997
47,842 171 14,052 0 0 -52 2,766 56 14,694 44,608
7,296 0 2,452 4,844
80,160 0 18,500 61,661
135,299 171 14,052 0 0 -52 23,718 56 14,694 111,113
371,686 1,261 32,431 0 0 -9,706 28,691 56 21,927 345,110
856,351 1,408 106,905 0 0 9,706 10,285 0 36,629 927,456
807,297 620 209,414 0 0 0 0 0 153,901 863,430
152,386 0 38,158 0 0 0 0 0 0 190,545
71,032 -10 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,503 62,519
223,418 -10 38,158 0 0 0 0 0 8,503 253,064

12,955 0 624 0 0 0 0 0 5,671 7,909
36,074 84 13,671 0 0 0 745 1 9,826 39,258
49,029 84 14,295 0 0 0 745 1 15,497 47,167
1,079,744 694 261,868 0 0 0 745 1 177,901 1,163,661
219,469 0 94,398 0 0 74,045 59,796 48,782 4,899 371,998

464 3,381,076 229,931 0 -53,797 3,123,916 669 53,011 3,462,337
881,383 0 675,864 0 0 0 539,858 43,739 35,797 1,025,332
3,962,302 464 4,056,940 229,931 0 -53,797 3,663,774 44,409 88,808 4,487,668

4,401 6,620,677 -122,881 -16,575 -11,407 5,608,135 1,505 159,089 10,634,769
515,629 0 112,905 0 -396 -8,392 104,098 589 7,638 508,599
10,441,902 4,401 6,733,582 -122,881 -16,971 -19,799 5,712,233 2,094 166,727 11,143,369

4 0 0 0 0 43 0 0 80

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 792
172,604 0 28,257 0 0 -361 18,833 2,399 5,111 178,956
15,472 2 4,856 0 0 0 4,929 0 0 15,400

-549 181,864 -11,075 0 361 297,051 0 3,172 838,814
1,157,424 -544 214,977 -11,075 0 0 320,855 2,399 8,283 1,034,044
855,233 2,845 5,840 0 0 0 58,707 0 3,105 802,106

-148 16,631 0 0 0 8,432 0 0 105,678
2,110,285 2,153 237,448 -11,075 0 0 387,994 2,399 11,389 1,941,827
48,405 0 126,531 0 0 0 111,349 58,803 26,419 95,970
16,562,894 7,017 11,154,502 95,976 -16,971 -73,595 9,875,350 107,704 293,342 17,668,834

1,356 1,550,575 7,883 0 -450 1,104,877 9,816 3,646 1,952,897
20,582,384 11,736 13,200,678 103,859 -16,971 0 11,079,745 166,359 538,344 22,429,957