A. |
Tangible assets |
I. |
Self-used land and buildings |
II. |
Other tangible assets |
1. Tangible assets |
2. Inventories |
3. Other assets |
Total A. II. |
Total A. |
B. |
Land and buildings held as financial investments |
C. |
Intangible assets |
I. |
Deferred acquisition costs |
II. |
Goodwill |
1. Positive goodwill |
2. Value of insurance policies |
Total C. II. |
III. |
Other intangible assets |
1. Self-produced software |
2. Acquired intangible assets |
Total C. III. |
Total C. |
D. |
Shares in associated companies |
E. |
Investments |
I. |
Variable-yield interest securities |
1. Shares, investment shares and other variableyield securities, including holdings and shares in associated companies |
2. At fair value through profit or loss |
Total E. I. |
II. |
Fixed interest securities |
1. Debt securities and other fixed interest securities |
2. At fair value through profit or loss |
Total E. II. |
III. |
Loans and other investments |
1. Loans |
a) Debt securities issued by and loans to associated companies |
b) Debt securities issued by and loans to participating interests |
c) Mortgage loans |
d) Loans and advance payments on policies |
e) Other loan receivables and registered bonds |
Total E. III. 1. |
2. Cash at credit institutions |
3. Deposits with ceding companies |
Total E. III. |
IV. |
Derivatives |
Total E. |
F. |
Investments held on account and at risk of life insurance policyholders |
Aggregate total |