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Path: HomeGroup Financial StatementsNotesSupplementary information on the balance sheetNotes 21 - 29
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Notes 21 - 29

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21 | Provision for premium refunds

Property and casualty insurance
Gross 35,413 33,415
Reinsurers’ share –315 –1,752
35,098 31,663
Life insurance
Gross 687,278 798,563
Reinsurers’ share –100 –100
687,178 798,463
Health insurance
Gross 77,984 75,159
Reinsurers’ share 0 0
77,984 75,159
Consolidated financial statements
Gross 800,674 907,136
Reinsurers’ share –415 –1,852
Total (fully consolidated values) 800,260 905,284
Of which profit-unrelated (retention) 47,712 41,766
Of which profit-related (retention) 752,547 863,518

a) Provision for profit-unrelated premium refunds 48,027 43,518
of which property and casualty insurance 27,222 24,972
of which health insurance 20,793 18,546
of which life insurance 13 0
b) Provision for profit-related premium refunds
and/or policyholder profit participation
339,138 285,815
of which property and casualty insurance 8,191 8,443
of which health insurance 57,191 56,612
of which life insurance 273,755 220,759
Deferred profit participation 413,510 577,803
Total (fully consolidated values) 800,674 907,136

a) Provision for profit-unrelated premium refunds, profit-related premium refunds and policyholder profit participation
As at 1 Jan. 329.333 278.528
Changes for: Other changes 57.832 50.805
As at 31 Dec. 387.165 329.333
b) Deferred profit participation
As at 1 Jan. 577.803 420.601
Changes for:
Fluctuation in value, securities available for sale -153.744 134.359
Revaluations affecting income -10.550 22.843
As at 31 Dec. 413.510 577.803

22 | Actuarial provisions (part a)

Property and casualty insurance
31 Dec. 2005
Exchange rate differences
Changes in consolidation scope
Portfolio changes
Premiums written
Premiums earned
Claims in reporting year
Claims payments in reporting year
Change in claims from previous years
Claims payments in previous years
As at 31 Dec. 2006
Health insurance
As at 31 Dec. 2005
Exchange rate differences
Changes in consolidation scope
Portfolio changes
Premiums written
Premiums earned
Claims in reporting year
Claims payments in reporting year
Change in claims from previous years
Claims payments in previous years
As at 31 Dec. 2006
Life insurance
As at 31 Dec. 2005
Exchange rate differences
Changes in consolidation scope
Portfolio changes
Premiums written
Premiums earned
Claims in reporting year
Claims payments in reporting year
Change in claims from previous years
Claims payments in previous years
As at 31 Dec. 2006
Group total
As at 31 Dec. 2005
Exchange rate differences
Changes in consolidation scope
Portfolio changes
Premiums written
Premiums earned
Claims in reporting year
Claims payments in reporting year
Change in claims from previous years
Claims payments in previous years
As at 31 Dec. 2006
337,908 53,093 1,694,155 24,972 8,443 22,330 2,140,900
2,281 -95 5,591 -16 4 531 8,297
6,289 15,933 22,222
9,456 9,456
-563 2,375 -185 2,896 4,523
7,635 109 71 3,263 11,078
1,572,537 1,572,537
1,553,523 1,553,523
1,369,490 1,369,490
679,464 679,464
-178,824 -178,824
456,240 456,240
374,948 44,800 1,770,641 27,222 8,191 22,494 2,248,295
13,987 1,841,369 154,043 18,546 56,612 1,056 2,085,614
-40 10 12 -18
449 1 449
-1,308 9 -1,299
138,822 2,900 2,470 5,168 149,360
5,730 653 1,891 316 8,591
744,051 744,051
742,099 742,099
627,536 627,536
495,389 495,389
-4,216 -4,216
130,503 130,503
15,039 1,974,470 151,484 20,793 57,191 5,916 2,224,894
12,075,698 91,607 798,563 16,996 12,982,864
3,237 97 -16 75 3,392
20,166 888 14 21,068
136,411 -580 647 136,478
725,326 13 75,581 875 801,795
37,635 186,876 3,541 228,052
1,064,454 1,064,454
1,010,894 16,996 1,010,894
26,139 75 26,139
70,954 70,954
0 12,923,203 100,756 13 687,265 15,051 13,726,288
351,896 13,970,159 1,939,806 43,518 863,618 40,381 17,209,378
2,241 3,152 5,699 -16 -13 606 11,671
6,738 20,166 16,822 14 43,739
8,147 136,411 -580 656 144,634
863,585 5,288 77,866 8,939 955,678
51,000 763 188,838 7,121 247,722
2,316,587 2,316,587
2,295,622 2,295,622
3,061,480 3,061,480
2,185,747 2,185,747
-156,902 -156,902
657,697 657,697
389,987 14,942,474 2,022,881 48,027 752,647 43,461 18,199,478

Property and casualty insurance
As at 31 Dec. 2005
Exchange rate differences
Changes in consolidation scope
Portfolio changes
Premiums written
Premiums earned
Claims in reporting year
Claims payments in reporting year
Change in claims from previous years
Claims payments in previous years
As at 31 Dec. 2006
Health insurance
As at 31 Dec. 2005
Exchange rate differences
Changes in consolidation scope
Portfolio changes
Premiums written
Premiums earned
Claims in reporting year
Claims payments in reporting year
Change in claims from previous years
Claims payments in previous years
As at 31 Dec. 2006
Life insurance
As at 31 Dec. 2005
Exchange rate differences
Changes in consolidation scope
Portfolio changes
Premiums written
Premiums earned
Claims in reporting year
Claims payments in reporting year
Change in claims from previous years
Claims payments in previous years
As at 31 Dec. 2006
Group total
As at 31 Dec. 2005
Exchange rate differences
Changes in consolidation scope
Portfolio changes
Premiums written
Premiums earned
Claims in reporting year
Claims payments in reporting year
Change in claims from previous years
Claims payments in previous years
As at 31 Dec. 2006
29,222 2,861 323,220 1,752 2,761 359,815
589 1 310 5 905
347 1,125 1,472
2,147 11,825 13,971
89 180 350 619
2,700 1,617 272 4,589
281,447 281,447
282,801 282,801
157,836 157,836
80,491 80,491
-31,105 -31,105
70,686 70,686
30,951 251 312,033 315 0 2,843 346,393
69 1,976 33 2,078
133 133
546 546
535 535
95 95
48 48
694 694
15 15
80 1,842 759 0 0 0 2,681
365,167 10,693 100 -184 375,776
41 20 61
39 39
-4,199 -4,199
22,402 -4 22,398
1,264 1,264
16,496 16,496
11,879 11,879
-3,289 -3,289
2,266 2,266
0 382,186 9,775 0 100 -187 391,873
29,291 370,004 333,946 1,752 100 2,577 737,670
589 42 330 5 966
347 39 1,125 1,511
2,147 -4,199 11,825 9,772
22,491 180 346 23,017
4,097 1,617 272 5,987
281,993 281,993
283,336 283,336
174,428 174,428
92,418 92,418
-33,701 -33,701
72,967 72,967
31,031 384,279 322,567 315 100 2,656 740,948

22 | Actuarial provisions (part b)

Property and casualty insurance
As at 31 Dec. 2005
Exchange rate differences
Changes in consolidation scope
Portfolio changes
Premiums written
Premiums earned
Claims in reporting year
Claims payments in reporting year
Change in claims from previous years
Claims payments in previous years
As at 31 Dec. 2006
Health insurance
As at 31 Dec. 2005
Exchange rate differences
Changes in consolidation scope
Portfolio changes
Premiums written
Premiums earned
Claims in reporting year
Claims payments in reporting year
Change in claims from previous years
Claims payments in previous years
As at 31 Dec. 2006
Life insurance
As at 31 Dec. 2005
Exchange rate differences
Changes in consolidation scope
Portfolio changes
Premiums written
Premiums earned
Claims in reporting year
Claims payments in reporting year
Change in claims from previous years
Claims payments in previous years
As at 31 Dec. 2006
Group total
As at 31 Dec. 2005
Exchange rate differences
Changes in consolidation scope
Portfolio changes
Premiums written
Premiums earned
Claims in reporting year
Claims payments in reporting year
Change in claims from previous years
Claims payments in previous years
As at 31 Dec. 2006
308,686 50,231 1,370,935 23,220 8,443 19,569 1,781,085
1,693 -95 5,280 -16 4 527 7,393
5,942 14,808 20,750
7,309 -11,825 -4,516
-652 2,195 -185 2,546 3,904
4,935 -1,508 71 2,991 6,489
1,291,090 1,291,090
1,270,722 1,270,722
1,211,654 1,211,654
598,972 598,972
-147,719 -147,719
385,554 385,554
343,997 44,550 1,458,607 26,907 8,191 19,651 1,901,903
13,918 1,839,393 154,010 18,546 56,612 1,055 2,083,535
-40 10 12 -18
449 1 449
-1,308 9 -1,299
138,822 2,900 2,470 5,168 149,360
5,597 653 1,891 316 8,458
743,505 743,505
741,564 741,564
627,441 627,441
495,341 495,341
-4,910 -4,910
130,488 130,488
14,959 1,972,628 150,725 20,793 57,191 5,916 2,222,212
11,710,531 80,914 798,463 17,179 12,607,088
3,196 77 -16 75 3,331
20,127 888 14 21,028
140,611 -580 647 140,678
702,924 13 75,581 879 779,396
36,371 186,876 3,541 226,788
1,047,958 1,047,958
999,015 999,015
29,428 29,428
68,688 68,688
0 12,541,017 90,982 13 687,165 15,239 13,334,415
322,604 13,600,156 1,605,860 41,766 863,518 37,804 16,471,708
1,653 3,110 5,370 -16 -13 602 10,706
6,390 20,127 15,697 14 42,228
6,001 140,611 -12,405 656 134,862
841,094 5,108 77,866 8,593 932,660
46,903 -854 188,838 6,849 241,735
2,034,594 2,034,594
2,012,286 2,012,286
2,887,052 2,887,052
2,093,328 2,093,328
-123,200 -123,200
584,730 584,730
358,956 14,558,195 1,700,314 47,712 752,547 40,805 17,458,531

23 | Actuarial provisions for unit-linked and index-linked life insurance policies

Gross 1,911,516 1,457,644
Reinsurers’ share -305,580 -255,704
Total 1,605,935 1,201,939

As a general rule, the valuation of the actuarial provisions for unit-linked and index-linked life insurance policies corresponds to the investments in unit-linked and index-linked life insurance policies reported at current market values. The reinsurers’ share is offset by deposits payable in the same amount.

24 | Liabilities from loans

Liabilities under issued debenture bonds
UNIQA Versicherungen AG, Vienna
4.00%, € 150 million, bond 2004/2009 149,700 149,700
Loan liabilities 43,825 62,031
up to 1 year 5,876 13,711
more than 5 years 37,950 48,320
Total 193,526 211,731

25 | Provisions for pensions and similar commitments

Provisions for pensions 414,589 401,005
Provision for severance payments 127,830 122,122
542,418 523,127

As at 1 Jan. 523,127 462,522
Change in consolidation scope 0 4,171
Changes from foreign currency translation 2 12
Withdrawal for pension payments -27,160 -22,336
Expenditure in the financial year 46,450 78,758
As at 31 Dec. 542,418 523,127

Technical rate of interest 4.50%
Valorisation of wages and salaries 3.00%
Valorisation of pensions 2.00%
Employee turnover rate dependent on years of service
Accounting principles AVÖ 1999 P – Pagler & Pagler / employee
Technical rate of interest 4.50%
Valorisation of wages and salaries 3.00%
Valorisation of pensions 2.00%
Employee turnover rate dependent on years of service
Accounting principles AVÖ 1999 P – Pagler & Pagler / employee

Current service cost 15,443 8,096
Interest cost 23,220 22,765
Actuarial profit and loss 7,525 47,896
Income and expenditures from budget changes 262 0
Total 46,450 78,758

Under the contribution-oriented company pension scheme, the employer pays fixed amounts into company pension funds. The employer has satisfied its obligation by making these contributions.

Contributions to company pension funds 942 390

26 | Other provisions

Provisions for unconsumed vacations
Provisions for anniversary payments
Other personnel provisions
Provisions for customer relations and marketing
Provision for Holocaust compensation
Provision for variable components of remuneration
Provision for legal and consulting expenses
Provision for premium adjustment from
reinsurance contracts
Provision for portfolio maintenance commission
Other provisions
31,948 26 22 -1,226 -290 0 3,131 33,610
16,329 0 0 -151 -234 -6 59 15,996
48,277 26 22 -1,377 -525 -6 3,189 49,606
11,876 28 26 -7,006 -3,659 -2 11,653 12,916
28,853 4 0 -27,204 -1,227 0 32,426 32,851
100 0 0 0 -100 0 0 0
15,834 4 0 -11,926 -4,012 100 14,614 14,614
5,088 -1 0 -2,723 -278 35 3,015 5,136
3,307 23 0 -2,783 -173 0 5,886 6,261
1,762 0 0 -1,721 -41 0 1,955 1,955
60,733 82 163 -60,851 0 -126 56,561 56,561
127,553 140 189 -114,214 -9,490 6 126,109 130,294
175,830 167 211 -115,591 -10,015 0 129,298 179,900

Other provisions1) with a high probability of utilisation (more than 90%)
Up to 1 year 73,286 82,244
In 1 to 5 years 2,907 3,338
Up to 1 year 4,915 6,097
81,107 91,679
Other provisions1) with a lower probability of consumption (less than 90%)
Up to 1 year 47,143 34,773
In 1 to 5 years 1,672 959
Up to 1 year 371 142
49,186 35,874
Total 130,294 127,553

27 | Payables and other liabilities

I. Reinsurance liabilities
1. Deposits held under reinsurance business ceded 702,765 626,269
2. Accounts payable under reinsurance operations 21,563 62,982
724,329 689,251
II. Other liabilities
Liabilities under insurance business
Liabilities under direct insurance business
to policyholders 122,319 108,802
to intermediaries 99,036 93,063
to insurance companies 5,341 3,637
226,696 205,502
Liabilities to credit institutions 3,922 0
Other liabilities 424,478 224,495
of which for taxes 45,652 45,667
of which for social security 10,055 10,149
of which from fund consolidation 251,376 84,001
Total other liabilities 655,096 429,998
Subtotal 1,379,425 1,119,248
Of which liabilities with a remaining term of
up to 1 year 766,296 575,559
between 1 and 5 years 41,472 26,608
more than 5 years 571,657 517,081
1,379,425 1,119,248
III. Other liabilities
Deferred income 8,232 11,539
Total payables and other liabilities 1,387,657 1,130,787

The item “Deferred income” basically comprises the balance of the deferred income regarding the indirect business settlement.

28 | Liabilities from income tax

Liabilities from income tax 66,754 95,361
Liabilities from income tax
up to 1 year 6,150 205
between 1 and 5 years 60,074 94,938
more than 5 years 530 218

29 | Deferred tax liabilities

Actuarial items 152,276 135,119
Untaxed reserves 27,761 28,953
Shares in affiliated companies 28,425 28,425
Investments 79,261 71,434
Other 12,166 4,900
Total 299,889 268,831
Of which not affecting income 57,845 43,007
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