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Path: HomeGroup Financial StatementsNotesSupplementary information on the balance sheetNotes 1 - 9
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Notes 1 - 9

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1 | Self-used land and buildings

Book values for
Property and casualty insurance 104,338 163,506
Life insurance 116,025 58,621
Health insurance 13,635 14,260
233,997 236,388
Market values for
Property and casualty insurance 132,918 188,385
Life insurance 124,789 63,430
Health insurance 18,338 20,043
276,045 271,859
Acquisition values 323,175 323,696
Cumulative depreciation -89,177 -87,309
Book value 233,997 236,388
Useful life for land and buildings 10-80 years 10-80 years
Additions from company acquisition 31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
Self-used land and buildings 2,087 2,448

The market values are derived from expert reports.

2 | Other tangible assets

Tangible assets 44,608 47,842
Inventories 4,844 7,296
Other assets 61,661 80,160
Total 111,113 135,299

Acquisition values as at 31 Dec. 2005 156,710
Cumulative depreciation up to 31 Dec. 2005 -108,867
Book value as at 31 Dec. 2005 47,842
Currency translation changes 171
Additions 14,052
Disposals -2,766
Transfers -52
Appreciation and depreciation -14,638
Book value as at 31 Dec. 2006 44,608
Acquisition values as at 31 Dec. 2006 159,825
Cumulative depreciation up to 31 Dec. 2006 -115,216
Book value as at 31 Dec. 2006 44,608

Tangible assets refer mainly to office equipment. They are depreciated over a useful life of four to ten years. The amounts of depreciation are recognised in the income statement on the basis of allocated operating expenses under the items insurance benefits, operating expenses and net investment income.

Tangible assets 1,081 449

3 | Land and buildings held as financial investments

Book values for
Property and casualty insurance 334,423 384,362
Life insurance 411,829 285,862
Health insurance 181,204 186,127
927,456 856,351
Market values for
Property and casualty insurance 456,839 502,804
Life insurance 566,932 425,911
Health insurance 408,361 408,462
1,432,132 1,337,177
Acquisition values 1,257,256 1,150,615
Cumulative depreciation -329,800 -294,264
Book value 927,456 856,351
Useful life for land and buildings 10-80 years 10-80 years
Additions from company acquisition 31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
Land and buildings used by third parties 52,667 303

The market values are derived from expert reports.

Change on impairment for current year 11,451
of which reallocation 11,451

4 | Deferred acquisition costs

Property and casualty insurance
Situation as at 1 Jan. 97,131 89,209
Currency translation changes 352 630
Changes to scope of consolidation 168 0
Capitalisation 57,065 47,851
Depreciation -44,665 -40,560
Situation as at 31 Dec. 110,050 97,131
Life insurance
Situation as at 1 Jan. 496,159 456,035
Currency translation changes 268 59
Capitalisation 105,867 106,800
Interest surcharge 22,778 25,497
Depreciation -85,643 -92,232
Situation as at 31 Dec. 539,428 496,159
Health insurance
Situation as at 1 Jan. 214,008 192,754
Currency translation changes 1 1
Changes to scope of consolidation 0 20,273
Capitalisation 14,371 15,119
Interest surcharge 9,166 8,468
Depreciation -23,593 -22,608
Situation as at 31 Dec. 213,952 214,008
Consolidated Financial Statements
Situation as at 1 Jan. 807,297 737,998
Currency translation changes 620 690
Changes to scope of consolidation 168 20,273
Capitalisation 177,302 169,770
Interest surcharge 31,944 33,965
Depreciation -153,901 -155,400
Situation as at 31 Dec. 863,430 807,297

5 | Goodwill

Acquisition values as at 31 Dec. 2005 315,826
Cumulative depreciation up to 31 Dec. 2005 -92,408
Book value as at 31 Dec. 2005 223,418
Acquisition values as at 31 Dec. 2006 353,975
Cumulative depreciation up to 31 Dec. 2006 -100,911
Book value as at 31 Dec. 2006 253,064
Group total
€ 000
Cumulative depreciation up to 31 Dec. 2006 100,911
of which relating to impairment 16,648
of which current depreciation 84,263
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
Change in impairment for current year 0
of which reallocation 0

The values mentioned above include the goodwill and the purchase price paid for the total acquired insurance policies.

Assets 106,191 106,191
Tangible assets 3,168 3,168
Land and buildings held as financial investments 52,667 52,667
Intangible assets 1,663 1,663
Shares in associated companies 0 0
Investments 20,389 20,389
Investments held for unit-linked and index-linked life insurance policyholders 0 0
Share of reinsurance in the technical provisions 963 963
Receivables including receivables under insurance business 12,209 12,209
Receivables from income tax 329 329
Deferred tax assets 1,842 1,842
Liquid funds 12,961 12,961
Equity and liabilities 106,191 106,191
Total equity 53,056 53,056
Subordinated liabilities 0 0
Technical provisions 19,050 19,050
Technical provisions for life insurance policies held on account and at risk of policyholders 0 0
Financial liabilities 3,717 3,717
Other provisions 211 211
Payables and other liabilities 22,577 22,577
Liabilities from income tax 26 26
Deferred tax liabilities 7,554 7,554

6 | Other intangible assets

Acquisition values as at 31 Dec. 2005 39,378 137,295
Cumulative depreciation up to 31 Dec. 2005 -26,423 -101,222
Book value as at 31 Dec. 2005 12,955 36,074
Acquisition values as at 31 Dec. 2006 40,003 149,972
Cumulative depreciation up to 31 Dec. 2006 -32,094 -110,714
Book value as at 31 Dec. 2006 7,909 39,258

Other intangible assets as at 31 Dec. 2006 comprised:

Computer software 40,034 43,096
Licences 2,438 3,063
Other intangible assets 4,695 2,870
47,167 49,029
Useful life years years
Self-produced software 2-5 2-5
Acquired intangible assets 2-5 2-5

The intangible assets include paid-for and self-produced computer software and licences.

The amortisation of the other intangible assets were recognised in the income statement on the basis of allocated operating expenses under the items insurance benefits, operating expenses and net investment income.

Intangible assets are depreciated using the straight-line method.

Self-produced software 0
Acquired intangible assets 1,496
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
Research and development expenditures recorded
as an expense during the period under review

7 | Shares in affiliated companies and companies valued at equity

Current market value for
Shares in affiliated companies of minor importance1) 18,804 18,407
Shares in associated companies of minor importance 26,722 1,522
Book value for
Shares in associated companies valued at equity 345,276 217,947
Equity for
Shares in affiliated companies of minor importance 13,919 17,999
Annual net profit/deficit for the year
Shares in affiliated companies of minor importance -4,019 -447

Current market value of associated companies
listed on a public stock exchange
Profits/losses for the period 45,017
Unrecorded, proportional loss, ongoing,
if shares of loss are no longer recorded
Unrecorded, proportional loss, cumulative,
if shares of loss are no longer recorded

Due to restructuring measures at STRABAG SE, the share of equity relevant to the adjustment at equity was increased. The resulting adjustment effect is €18.830 million.

8 | Securities, available for sale

Shares in affiliated companies
Equity funds
Debenture bonds not capital-guaranteed
Other variable-yield securities
Participating interests and other investments
Fixed interest securities
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
18,804 18,407 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,804 18,407
901,955 948,712 38,249 68,456 –26,771 –17,109 0 0 913,433 1,000,059
467,114 549,053 32,194 47,395 0 –981 0 0 499,309 595,467
700,879 518,206 40,131 25,673 0 270 –12,681 15,645 728,329 559,793
864,862 563,593 3,639 14,432 –2,229 –84 0 0 866,272 577,941
241,096 316,304 209,174 13,235 –14,080 –287 0 0 436,190 329,251
10,793,413 9,774,805 33,575 207,805 –129,260 –53,052 –62,959 –3,285 10,634,769 9,926,273
13,988,124 12,689,079 356,963 376,996 –172,341 –71,244 –75,640 12,360 14,097,106 13,007,192

The market values listed for participating interests contain participating interest valuations for the first time, resulting in an appreciation in the amount of €153.145 million. In 2005, application of this valuation method would have resulted in an appreciation of €96.443 million.

31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
Shares in affiliated companies 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shares –26,771 –17,109 –10,550 –10,388 –16,221 –6,721
Equity funds 0 –981 0 0 0 –981
Debenture bonds not capital-guaranteed 0 270 0 270 0 0
Other variable-yield securities –2,229 –84 0 0 –2,229 –84
Participating interests and other investments –14,080 –287 0 0 –14,080 –287
Fixed interest securities –129,260 –53,052 –38,106 –31,616 –91,154 –21,436
Total –172,341 –71,244 –48,656 –41,735 –123,684 –29,509

31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
Shares in affiliated companies 0 0 0
Shares –14,385 –16,221 1,836
Equity funds 0 0 0
Debenture bonds not capital-guaranteed 200 200 0
Other variable-yield securities –2,145 –2,145 0
Participating interests and other investments –14,080 –14,080 0
Fixed interest securities –86,983 –86,983 0
Total –117,393 –119,229 1,836

31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
Other securities
Available for sale 115,846 62,956 –50,297 –23,734 65,549 39,222

31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
31 Dec. 2006
€ 000
31 Dec. 2005
€ 000
Infinite 46,558 0 47,347 0
Up to 1 year 657,301 335,663 656,151 339,713
Of more than 1 year up to 5 years 3,942,155 3,092,007 3,922,674 3,157,522
Of more than 5 years up to 10 years 4,212,410 4,692,078 4,156,568 4,748,540
More than 10 years 3,500,730 2,736,856 3,446,630 2,818,232
Total 12,359,154 10,856,603 12,229,370 11,064,007

The remaining maturities stipulated by contract refer to fixed income securities, other variable-rate securities and bonds without capital guarantee.

Fixed interest securities
Rating AAA 3,343,467
Rating AA 2,657,943
Rating A 3,637,927
Rating BBB 1,024,734
Rating < BBB 1,152,657
Not assigned 412,642
Rating total of fixed interest securities 12,229,370
Issuer countries
Share securities
IE, NL, UK, US 298,865
AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, FR, IT 691,356
ES, FI, NO, SE 113,819
Remaining EU 231,323
Other countries 190,450
Issuer countries total of share securities 1,525,812
Other shareholdings 323,120
Total variable-yield securities 1,848,932

9 | Derivative financial instruments

Market values
Share risk 42,278 5,217
Interest rate change risk 6,045 311
Currency risk 27,790 –25,112
Structured risk 18,648 30,961
Total 94,761 11,376
Structured risk – of which:
Share risk 18,925 18,438
Interest rate change risk –12,108 3,391
Currency risk 10,428 7,566
Credit risk 1,404 1,567
Balance sheet value
Investments 95,970 48,405
Financial liabilities –1,209 –37,029
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