21 | Provision for premium refunds
Property and casualty insurance |
Gross |
33,271 |
35,413 |
Reinsurers’ share |
–365 |
–315 |
32,906 |
35,098 |
Health insurance |
Gross |
81,103 |
77,984 |
Reinsurers’ share |
0 |
0 |
81,103 |
77,984 |
Life insurance |
Gross |
323,653 |
687,278 |
Reinsurers’ share |
–100 |
–100 |
323,553 |
687,178 |
Consolidated financial statements |
Gross |
438,027 |
800,674 |
Reinsurers’ share |
–465 |
–415 |
Total (fully consolidated values) |
437,562 |
800,260 |
of which profit-unrelated (retention) |
47,865 |
47,712 |
of which profit-related (retention) |
389,696 |
752,547 |
a) |
Provision for profit-unrelated premium refunds |
48,231 |
48,027 |
of which property and casualty insurance |
25,957 |
27,222 |
of which health insurance |
22,199 |
20,793 |
of which life insurance |
75 |
13 |
b) |
Provision for profit-related premium refunds
and/or policyholder profit participation |
271,588 |
339,138 |
of which property and casualty insurance |
7,315 |
8,191 |
of which health insurance |
58,904 |
57,191 |
of which life insurance |
205,370 |
273,755 |
Deferred profit participation |
118,208 |
413,510 |
Total (fully consolidated values) |
438,027 |
800,674 |
a) |
Provision for profit-unrelated premium refunds, profit-related
premium refunds and policyholder profit participation |
Situation as at 1 Jan. |
387,165 |
329,333 |
Changes for:
Other changes |
–67,346 |
57,832 |
Situation as at 31 Dec. |
319,819 |
387,165 |
b) |
Deferred profit participation |
Situation as at 1 Jan. |
413,510 |
577,803 |
Changes for: |
Fluctuation in value, securities available for sale |
–348,570 |
-153,744 |
Revaluations affecting income |
53,268 |
-10,550 |
Situation as at 31 Dec. |
118,208 |
413,510 |
22 | Actuarial provisions (part b)
Property and casualty insurance |
As at 31 Dec. 2006 |
Exchange rate differences |
Changes in consolidation scope |
Portfolio changes |
Additions |
Disposals |
Premiums written |
Premiums earned |
Claims in reporting year |
Claims payments in reporting year |
Change in claims from previous years |
Claims payments in previous years |
As at 31 Dec. 2007 |
Health insurance |
As at 31 Dec. 2006 |
Exchange rate differences |
Changes in consolidation scope |
Portfolio changes |
Additions |
Disposals |
Premiums written |
Premiums earned |
Claims in reporting year |
Claims payments in reporting year |
Change in claims from previous years |
Claims payments in previous years |
As at 31 Dec. 2007 |
Life insurance |
As at 31 Dec. 2006 |
Exchange rate differences |
Changes in consolidation scope |
Portfolio changes |
Additions |
Disposals |
Claims in reporting year |
Claims payments in reporting year |
Change in claims from previous years |
Claims payments in previous years |
Stand 31,12,2007 |
Group total |
As at 31 Dec. 2006 |
Exchange rate differences |
Changes in consolidation scope |
Portfolio changes |
Additions |
Disposals |
Premiums written |
Premiums earned |
Claims in reporting year |
Claims payments in reporting year |
Change in claims from previous years |
Claims payments in previous years |
As at 31 Dec. 2007 |
23 | Actuarial provisions for unit-linked and index-linked insurance policies
Gross |
2,412,937 |
1,911,516 |
Reinsurers’ share |
–346,868 |
-305,580 |
Total |
1,605,935 |
1,605,935 |
As a general rule, the valuation of the actuarial provisions for unit-linked
and index-linked life insurance policies corresponds to the investments
in unit-linked and index-linked life insurance policies reported at current
market values. The resinsurers share is offset by deposits payable in the
same amount. 24 | Liabilities from loans
Liabilities under issued debenture bonds |
UNIQA Versicherungen AG, Vienna |
4.00%, €150 million, bond 2004/2009 |
150,000 |
149,700 |
Loan liabilities |
43,825 |
43,825 |
up to 1 year |
88 |
5,876 |
between 1 and 5 years |
6,969 |
0 |
more than 5 years |
28,842 |
37,950 |
Total |
185,900 |
193,526 |
25 | Provisions for pensions and similar commitments
Provisions for pensions |
383,543 |
414,589 |
Provision for severance payments |
125,998 |
127,830 |
509,541 |
542,418 |
As at 1 Jan. |
542,418 |
523,127 |
Changes from foreign currency translation |
15 |
2 |
Withdrawal for pension payments |
–29,705 |
-27,160 |
Expenditure in the financial year |
–3,187 |
46,450 |
As at 31 Dec. |
509,541 |
542,418 |
2007 |
Technical rate of interest |
5.00% |
Valorisation of wages and salaries |
3.00% |
Valorisation of pensions |
2.00% |
Employee turnover rate |
dependent on years of service |
Accounting principles |
AVÖ 1999 P – Pagler & Pagler / employee |
2006 |
Technical rate of interest |
4.50% |
Valorisation of wages and salaries |
3.00% |
Valorisation of pensions |
2.00% |
Employee turnover rate |
dependent on years of service |
Accounting principles |
AVÖ 1999 P – Pagler & Pagler / employee |
Current service cost |
16,929 |
15,443 |
Interest cost |
24,434 |
23,220 |
Actuarial profit and loss |
–44,737 |
7,525 |
Income and expenditures from budget changes |
188 |
262 |
Total |
–3,187 |
46,450 |
Under the contribution-oriented company pension scheme, the employer
pays fixed amounts into company pension funds. The employer has satisfied
its obligation by making these contributions.
Contributions to company pension funds |
1,134 |
942 |
26 | Other provisions
Provisions for unconsumed vacations |
Provisions for anniversary payments |
Other personnel provisions |
Provisions for customer relations and marketing |
Provision for variable components of
remuneration |
Provision for legal and consulting expenses |
Provision for premium adjustment from
contracts |
Provision for portfolio maintenance
commission |
Other provisions |
Total |
Other provisions1)
with a high probability of
utilisation (more than 90%) |
up to 1 year |
72,351 |
73,286 |
of more than 1 up to 5 years |
3,735 |
2,907 |
more than 5 years |
10,408 |
4,915 |
86,494 |
81,107 |
Other provisions1)
with a lower probability of
(less than 90%) |
up to 1 year |
55,629 |
47,143 |
of more than 1 up to 5 years |
1,621 |
1,672 |
more than 5 years |
327 |
371 |
57,577 |
49,186 |
Total |
144,071 |
130,294 |
27 | Payables and other liabilities
I. |
Reinsurance liabilities |
1. Deposits held under reinsurance business ceded |
761,805 |
702,765 |
2. Accounts payable under reinsurance operations |
34,975 |
21,563 |
796,780 |
724,329 |
II. |
Other liabilities |
Liabilities under insurance business |
Liabilities under direct insurance business |
to policyholders |
139,318 |
122,319 |
to intermediaries |
123,603 |
99,036 |
to insurance companies |
8,791 |
5,341 |
271,712 |
226,696 |
Liabilities to credit institutions |
3,582 |
3,922 |
Other liabilities |
445,484 |
424,478 |
of which for taxes |
46,379 |
45,652 |
of which for social security |
10,381 |
10,055 |
of which from fund consolidation |
260,874 |
251,376 |
Total other liabilities |
720,778 |
655,096 |
Subtotal |
1,517,558 |
1,379,425 |
Of which liabilities with a remaining term of |
up to 1 year |
885,731 |
766,296 |
more than 1 up to 5 years |
9,053 |
41,472 |
more than 5 years |
622,774 |
571,657 |
1,517,558 |
1,379,425 |
III. |
Other liabilities |
Deferred income |
9,483 |
8,232 |
Total payables and other liabilities |
1,527,041 |
1,387,657 |
The item deferred income basically comprises the balance of the deferred
income regarding the indirect business settlement. 28 | Liabilities from income tax
Liabilities from income tax |
41,618 |
66,754 |
of which liabilities with a remaining term of |
up to 1 year |
3,853 |
6,150 |
more than 1 up to years |
37,281 |
60,074 |
more than 5 years |
483 |
530 |
29 | Deferred tax liabilities
Actuarial items |
142,052 |
152,276 |
Untaxed reserves |
27,385 |
27,761 |
Shares in affiliated companies |
28,425 |
28,425 |
Investments |
120,952 |
79,261 |
Other |
14,101 |
12,166 |
Total |
332,916 |
299,889 |
of which not affecting income |
55,238 |
57,845 |