Shaping the future: 2016 – 2020

UNIQA 2.0 – Phase 3

1. Growth

We expect average growth of around 2 per cent per annum in written for the period until 2020. While expectations for premium growth in life insurance in Austria are muted, we expect average growth of just under 3 per cent p.a. in health insurance and of approximately 4 per cent p.a. in property and casualty insurance for the period stated.

2. Cost ratio

The aim is to improve efficiency and the cost structure on a continuous basis. The investment programme launched in 2016 of around €500 million over ten years will lead to an increase in the in the medium-term. We expect an overall cost ratio of under 24 per cent as of 2020 as a result of these investments.1)

3. Combined ratio

The in property and casualty insurance is the most important key figure for us in terms of profitability in the core business. The objective of bringing the combined ratio below 95 per cent on a sustainable basis by 2020 is therefore our top priority.

4. Economic capital ratio (ECR)

We are striving to achieve an economic capital ratio of 170 per cent with a maximum fluctuation margin (target range) of between 155 and 190 per cent.

5. Profitability

The operating is defined as the criterion for profitability.2) Achieving a rate of return on capital employed in line with the risk is a central prerequisite for any sustainable business model. To this end, we aim to achieve an operating return on equity of around 13.5 per cent on average in the period between 2017 and 2020.

6. Attractive dividends

Our shareholders should receive an attractive dividend in return for providing their capital. Despite extraordinary investments and persistently low interest rates, we intend to steadily increase the annual distribution of dividends per share over the coming years as part of a progressive dividend policy.

1) This objective was adjusted when the contract to sell the Italian companies was signed and the single premium business accordingly declined within the Group.
2) Definitions of the essential key figures can be found in the glossary.

Shape the future 2016–2020 (graphic)
Total premiums written. All premiums from contracts written in the financial year from business acquired by the company directly and as inward reinsurance.
Cost ratio
Ratio of total insurance operations expenses (net of reinsurance commissions received and share of profit from reinsurance ceded) to consolidated premiums earned (including savings portions of unit-linked and index-linked life insurance).
Combined ratio
Total sum of operating expenses and insurance benefits in relation to the (net) premiums earned in property and casualty insurance.
Return on equity (ROE)
The return on equity is the ratio of the profit/(loss) to the average equity, after deducting non-controlling interests in each case.