11. Intangible assets

Deferred acquisition costs

Based on , deferred are accounted for in accordance with IFRS 4. In the case of property and casualty insurance contracts, costs directly attributable to the acquisition are deferred and distributed over the expected contract term or according to the unearned . In life insurance, the are amortised in line with the pattern of expected gross profits or margins. Deferred for insurance activities that are directly related to new business and/or to extensions of existing policies and that vary in line with that business are capitalised and amortised over the term of the related insurance contracts. If they are attributable to property and casualty insurance, they are amortised over the probable contractual term. For long-term health insurance contracts, the amortisation of acquisition costs is measured in line with the proportionate share of earned premiums in the present value of expected future premium income. In life insurance, the acquisition costs are amortised over the of the contract in the same proportion as the actuarial profit margin of each individual year is realised in comparison to the total margin to be expected from the contracts. The changes in deferred acquisition costs are recognised as part of profit/(loss) for the period under .

US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
Acquisition costs
The amount paid to acquire an asset in cash or cash equivalents or the fair value of another form of compensation at the time of acquisition.
Total premiums written. All premiums from contracts written in the financial year from business acquired by the company directly and as inward reinsurance.
Deferred acquisition costs
These include the costs of the insurance company incurred in connection with the acquisition of new or the extension of existing contracts. Costs such as acquisition commissions as well as costs for processing applications and risk assessments are some of the items to be recorded here.
Acquisition costs
The amount paid to acquire an asset in cash or cash equivalents or the fair value of another form of compensation at the time of acquisition.
Duration refers to the weighted average term of an interest rate-sensitive investment or of a portfolio and is a measure of risk for the sensitivity of investments in the event of changes to interest rates.
Operating expenses
This item includes acquisition expenses, portfolio management expenses and the expenses for implementing reinsurance. The operating expenses remain for the company’s own account following deduction of the commissions and profit participation received from the reinsurance business ceded.
Fair value
The fair value is the price that would be collected in an ordinary business transaction between market participants for the sale of an asset or that would be paid for transferring a liability.
The part of risk which is assumed but that the insurer/reinsurer does not cede as reinsurance.
Combined ratio
Total sum of operating expenses and insurance benefits in relation to the (net) premiums earned in property and casualty insurance.
Insurance benefits
Total of insurance benefit payments and changes in the claims provision during the financial year in connection with direct insurance and reinsurance contracts (gross). This involves net insurance benefits when reduced by the amount ceded to reinsurance companies. This does not include claims settlement expenses and changes in the provisions for claims settlement expenses.
Operating expenses
This item includes acquisition expenses, portfolio management expenses and the expenses for implementing reinsurance. The operating expenses remain for the company’s own account following deduction of the commissions and profit participation received from the reinsurance business ceded.