Measures to promote women on the Management Board, the Supervisory Board and in executive positions
UNIQA is convinced that a high degree of diversity can enhance its success on a sustainable basis. Diversity makes us successful together and has a positive influence on corporate culture. In this context, diversity means different nationalities, cultures and a collective of men and women, especially in executive positions. Together, they contribute to “Diversity of Thought”.
With Marie-Valerie Brunner, Anna Maria D’Hulster and Jutta Kath, three women have been elected to join the Supervisory Board of UNIQA Insurance Group AG. The proportion of female Supervisory Board members among the elected members (capital representatives) therefore amounts to the legally required 30 per cent. Sabine Andre was appointed to the group of employee representatives on the Supervisory Board on 20 May 2019. A total of eleven members of the Management Board, including one woman, were appointed to the Management Boards of UNIQA Insurance Group AG, UNIQA Österreich Versicherungen AG and UNIQA International AG in Austria in 2019.
Of a total of 549 managers at the Austrian location, 163 are women, which corresponds to a share of 29.7 per cent. In the UNIQA International AG companies outside Austria, 329 of a total of 699 managers are currently female, which amounts to 47.1 per cent. In the entire UNIQA Group, the average number of female managers is 39.4 per cent (492 of a total of 1,248 persons).