Phase 3: the strategic initiatives in detail
Capital – the foundation for our activities
Underpinned by a strong capital base, we want to make our UNIQA House as stable as possible. We have worked rigorously on improving this base since 2011 in order to grow our existing business and, whenever the opportunity has presented itself, to invest our capital in growth as well.
We have set ourselves the objective of a regulatory capital requirement (SCR) ratio with a fluctuation margin (target range) of 155 to 190 per cent to give us a financial position that is strong and balanced. This allows us to ensure that UNIQA always remains solvent, including under structural conditions that have deteriorated significantly, and is also able to make the most of any opportunities in the insurance business at all times. Our solid capital position makes it easy for us to strengthen the organic growth we are anticipating, particularly in CEE.
Change in SCR
In per cent
2019 in general, and the first three quarters in particular, were marked by a sharp fall in interest rates. Although this pushed the solvency ratio down from 248 per cent as at 31 December 2018 to 216 per cent as at 31 December 2019, UNIQA’s capital base remains strong.
Update 2019
Capital – the foundation for our activities
2019 in general, and the first three quarters in particular, were marked by a sharp fall in interest rates. Although this pushed the SCR ratio down from 248 per cent as at 31 December 2018 to 216 per cent as at 31 December 2019, UNIQA’s capital base remains healthy.
This is due to the continuous further development of our risk model, with which we have now achieved yet another milestone: our partial internal model for market risks was approved in November 2019.
In February 2020, we signed a purchase contract to acquire AXA Group companies in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The purchase price is around €1.0 billion. Including the AXA acquisition, therefore, our pro-forma capital requirement ratio as at 31 December 20191) is estimated at around 190 per cent. Armed with this level of capitalisation – well above our target mark of 170 per cent – we believe we are well positioned.
1) In other words, calculated as if the transaction had actually been completed on 31 December 2019.