About this report

This report was prepared in accordance with the Austrian Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act (Directive 2014/95/EU) and covers those sustainability concerns that also reflect our material sustainability topics.

The concepts described in this report correspond to the content of the 2023 Sustainability Report, which was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. The sustainability report is published together with the Group Report on 11 April 2024. This non-financial report, which forms part of our 2023 Group Report, covers the 2023 financial year and, thus, the period running from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023. Where appropriate to do so, we compare our progress with the targets communicated the previous year and give an insight into our targets for next year.

UNIQA Insurance Group AG decided to prepare the non-financial statement as a separate non-financial report (option in accordance with Section 267a(6) and Section 243b(6) of the Austrian Commercial Code) and to summarise the non-financial report for UNIQA Insurance Group AG and the consolidated non-financial report for the Group. The basis of consolidation is disclosed under Other disclosures in the explanatory notes to the 2023 consolidated financial statements. This report includes information and data relating to UNIQA Insurance Group AG (UNIQA Group). All content and data in this report refer to the UNIQA Group and its fully consolidated Group companies. Should any content or key performance indicators not cover the entire UNIQA Group, this is clearly indicated in the report or explained in more detail in footnotes in the respective sections. The Telemedi Group, a Polish start-up, was acquired to supplement our health insurance services effective 31 December 2023. The company has 49 employees. As the company was acquired just before the financial statements, it cannot be included with corresponding ESG-related data for the 2023 financial year. In mid-2023, UNIQA withdrew completely from the Russian market and concluded the contract for the sale of its subsidiary Raiffeisen Life to the Russian insurance company Renaissance Life and now only operates in 17 countries. As UNIQA continued to assume responsibility for employees and environmental matters in the 2023 financial year, these data are included in this report.

Since UNIQA Insurance Group AG (headquartered in Vienna) does not directly operate the insurance business either domestically or abroad, measures to address environmental, social and employee concerns along with observing human rights, anti-corruption and bribery issues are drawn up at Group level and subsequently implemented in the operating Group companies. Accordingly, as regards the separate financial statements, no other modified or restricted concept is being pursued in any other way.

As in previous years, PwC Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft was commissioned to undertake the limited assurance audit in 2023. Further details on the audit outcomes can be found in the report on the independent audit of the consolidated non-financial report.