18. Defined contribution plans
Obligations for contributions to defined contribution plans are recognised as expenses through profit or loss as soon as the associated work is performed. Prepaid contributions are recognised as assets if an entitlement to refund or reduction of future payments arises. The defined contribution plan is financed largely by UNIQA.
Pension entitlements
Board members, special policyholders and active employees in Austria are subject to a basic defined contribution pension fund scheme. The beneficiaries are also entitled to a final pension fund contribution which guarantees them a fixed cash value when they begin their retirement. Since the first pension to be paid out to the beneficiaries has a fixed benefit amount, this commitment is to be classified as a defined benefit in the contribution phase. The works council agreement states the extent to which a final pension fund contribution is provided to the beneficiary’s individual assurance cover account in the event of a transfer to the old-age pension or of an incapacity to work or the death of a participant. UNIQA has no obligations during the benefit phase.
Contributions to company pension funds
Under the defined contribution company pension scheme, the employer pays the fixed amounts into company pension funds. The insurance contributions to company pension funds amounted to €4,501 thousand (2020: €4,537 thousand). The employer has satisfied their obligation by making these contributions.