6. Technical provisions for unit-linked and index-linked life insurance
This item relates to insurance provisions and remaining technical provisions for obligations from life insurance policies where the value or income is determined by investments for which the policyholder bears the risk or for which the benefit is index-linked. The investments in question are collected in asset pools, recognised at their fair value and kept separately from the other investments. As a general rule, the measurement of the provisions corresponds to the item “Unit-linked and index-linked life insurance investments”. The policyholders are entitled to all income from these investments. The unrealised gains and losses from fluctuations in the fair values of the investment pools are thus offset by the appropriate changes in these provisions. The reinsurance companies’ share corresponds to a liability for deposits in the same amount.
An unearned revenue liability allocated to future year premium shares (such as preliminary fees) is calculated for unit-linked and index-linked life insurance contracts in accordance with FAS 97 and amortised correspondingly to deferred acquisition costs over the contract period.