Attractive to customers

UNIQA travel insurance wins in the category Full Coverage Individual Travel

The Austrian Association for Consumer Studies (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Verbraucherstudien, ÖGVS) conducted a thorough review of travel insurance in early 2016.Their finding: the comprehensive travel protection offered by UNIQA scored an overall grade of “good”, and in the category “total protection individual travel” the company ranked first out of nine providers tested. The decisive factors for the top ranking were above all the pricing structure, the convenience and the customer service line. Almost 30,000 travel insurance policies have been concluded online since the introduction of UNIQA travel insurance in 2013, making it the most popular online product.
UNIQA legal expenses insurance is test champion
Thanks to utmost satisfaction in the categories premium, benefits and quality of service, UNIQA’s legal expenses insurance took first place in a test of legal protection policies carried out by the ÖGVS. The product, newly launched in 2014, made an impression with its supplementary modules, such as patient and property rights protection, legal protection for motor vehicle policy owners and coverage of up to €140,000.
UNIQA takes several awards in Hungary

In September 2016, the UNIQA subsidiary pocketed several awards in Hungary. The Association of Independent Insurance Agents awarded it not only best private property and casualty insurance but also best life insurance. And at the annual competition between best asset managers – “MoneyMoon Best Choice 2016” – UNIQA won first place as “Best Insurer of the Year”.
UNIQA wins Czech Business Superbrands Award

For the second consecutive year UNIQA was awarded the “Czech Business Superbrands Award”. This makes the Company one of the top B2B brands in the Czech market and an outstanding example for the successful implementation of a brand management strategy. Every year, the global organisation Superbrands honours B2B and B2C brands in 90 markets worldwide that are the absolute leaders in their respective fields.
Austria launches online health insurance

In early 2016, UNIQA Austria began offering the first two health insurance plans that can be concluded online. Both variants, “Sonderklasse Select – Kompakt” and “Sonderklasse nach Unfällen” (Premium treatment after accidents), guarantee a private insurance level of care while in the hospital and a choice of doctors in the event of serious illness or accident. The new online service is aimed primarily at young people between the ages of 18 and 35, who almost always check online first before buying insurance. It’s a success: since its launch, more than 15,000 online visitors have calculated the premium for private health insurance.

UNIQA customers who have taken out private health insurance enjoy first-class treatment in hospital.
Health insurance now also available in Romania

With iMed, UNIQA Romania introduced a private health insurance plan to the market in October 2016. The plan focuses primarily on prevention and provides customers with services such as nutrition counselling and fitness classes for a healthier lifestyle. In addition to dental insurance, pregnancy check-ups and a medical call centre, customers can draw on a network of 500 medical partners.
Currently, Romania comes in last in Europe in terms of health insurance. While the annual average per capita premium in Europe is €203, in Romania it is a mere €0.4. With an expected growth rate of 20 to 30 per cent, Romania is considered an enormous growth market in this sector.
UNIQA Ukraine insures devices immediately upon purchasing

Since October 2016, electrical appliances purchased at an Auchan or Onay hypermarket in Ukraine can be insured by UNIQA right in the store. With this new product, UNIQA Ukraine provides, among other things, protection against damage caused by voltage drops in the power grid, which occur frequently, especially in rural parts of the country. This allows customers to extend the warranty on their devices. In the event of damage, they can receive a refund not only for transport and repair costs, but they can also be reimbursed any remaining value if the device cannot be repaired.

Christian Korzinek works in our Service Centre at the motor vehicle registration office of the Vienna regional office and helps our customers register their cars.
Innovative motor vehicle rate rewards foregoing mobile phone use and reduces drink driving

Since 2016, the advanced motor vehicle rate SafeLine from UNIQA Austria allows customers to enjoy reduced premiums if they forego the use of mobile phones while driving. It not only helps them reduce their personal budget, it also prevents accidents, because about 28 per cent of all accidents in Austria are caused by mobile phone use at the wheel. Under this new rate, an app is used to record when a phone is not in use while driving. On the one hand, the points collected reduce the insurance premium while on the other hand the points can be redeemed for goodies worth up to €200 per annum.
Young customers under the age of 25 receive an additional bonus if they leave their car parked on weekend evenings and instead use public transport or driving services.That’s another way UNIQA Austria is providing an innovative answer to a pressing issue: one in four of those killed in traffic accidents in Austria is under the age of 24,and drink driving plays a major role in a quarter of all accidents in this age group.